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16-19 Bursary

Summary: You could be eligible for a bursary to help with education-related costs such as:

  • clothing, books and other equipment for your course

  • transport

  • lunch for days that you study. 

​There are two types of bursary:

  1. Bursary to support vulnerable groups (eg. if you are in or have recently left local authority care, you get income support or universal credit because you are financially supporting yourself, you get Disability Living Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit)

  2. Discretionary bursary which will depend on your individual circumstances such as family income. 

To apply please read the Conditions of Entitlement carefully.  If you feel you meet the criteria please complete this form.  You will be contacted to provide proof of eligibility. 

If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Andrews, on 0115 9387000 or email

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