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Business Studies



Subject Performance Leader


Areas of study include why businesses exist, the dynamic nature of businesses, how businesses are able to​ compete. Including the use of key functional areas such as marketing, finance, human​ resources and operations.

Key Skills & Understanding:

economics · data interpretation · management systems · practical application · ICT · finance · critical thinking & analysis  ·  ethics​

let's take a look... 
Unit 1

Business in the real world. 

(All modules) Fortnightly exam questions throughout the course. These will be diagnostically assessed and individual student feedback given. At key points, your child will complete end of topic assessments.

We encourage parents/carers to support learning in a number of ways:
Encourage your child to check that they have all the equipment they need in their school bag the night before.
Look at completed work. Encourage your child to plan their work.
Help your child to solve problems from independent research.
Show an interest in the work your child is completing and talk to them about it.

Unit 2

Human Resources.


Encourage active revision using past papers and mark schemes (these will be provided), design posters of key information and talk through ideas that your child finds difficult.

Unit 3

Influences on business.



Unit 4




Business Studies

Y10 | Key Stage 4


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study

Unit 3

Marketing and Finance

Showmyhomework is set to improve students understanding and examination technique. All students will be set homework and including exam style questions. Mind-maps and for example. Summative assessment will take place approximately every six weeks.

Encourage wider reading at home of topical business issues and in particular newspaper articles. Discuss with them their opinion on what they have read, in order to help them to develop their understanding.

Business Studies

Y11 | Key Stage 4


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study


What is 'Business Studies'?

The Cambridge Technicals Extended Diploma in Business offers you the opportunity to   investigate how real businesses actually operate. 
This course allows you to study real businesses in their real working environment and apply your knowledge of the theory to real situations either through producing portfolios on specific organisations or through case studies in exam situations. 

Who is it for?


Every single one of us will end up working in a business of some description, be it in the public sector (say the NHS) or in a private business (such as Tesco). Some of you may even set up your own business. With this in mind, Business as a subject will fit in with all other option choices and can support progress towards any future career. 
You don’t even need to have studied Business at GCSE in order to be able to begin.

What will i study?

In this unit you will develop an understanding of how and why businesses operate in the way  they do. You will look at a range of different types of business and business structures and  explore how the ownership of a business and its objectives are interrelated. You will learn about the importance of different functions within a business and how they work together. You  will understand the legal, financial, ethical and resource constraints under which a business  must operate and how these can affect business behaviour. You will explore ways in which  businesses respond to changes in their economic, social and technological environment, and  the necessity for a business to plan. You will appreciate the influence different stakeholders  can have on a business, and you will learn how to assess business performance. 

You will have the opportunity to explore the social implications of business ethics and corporate responsibilities on a wide range of business activities. This will include topical issues such as whistle blowing, employment practices such as zero-hours contracts, advertising to children, environmental awareness and the use of new technologies.

Course Content:

Unit 4: Customers and Communications

In this unit you will learn the purpose, methods and importance of communication in business  and the appropriateness of different forms of communication for different situations. You will  develop the skills that will help you create a rapport with customers and have the opportunity to  practice and develop your business communication skills. You will also learn about the legal  constraints, ethical and security issues that affect how businesses store, share and use  information.

​Internally assessed, externally moderated 

Unit 8: Responsible Business Practices

In this unit you will learn how Businesses behave responsibly whilst they are producing and selling goods and services. By this we mean how a business manages its activities to produce a positive impact on society.
You will look at and review the impact of different stakeholders on business decisions and how the issues involved can at times be contradictory and difficult to address.

Assessment: Coursework

Where can it take me?

You could apply for jobs in:
Education, law, business, charity, journalism, advertising, medicine and many more!

For more information on this course throughout all key stages please contact Miss A Shackleton
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