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Here at Kimberley School we aim to empower our students to develop a range of qualities and skills, which will enable them to make the transition from school into the next phase of their lives. Our students, from year 7 through to sixth form, are given regular opportunities to consider their future aspirations and seek advice and guidance on the goals they aim to achieve.  We recognise that guidance should be provided so that is in the best interests of the young person, is presented in an impartial manner and that good careers guidance is distinctive to the needs of individual pupils.

Careers Education is delivered in Personal Development lessons, and through assemblies and visits from local and national employers and Educational establishments. Careers are also embedded in the academic curriculum, with subjects promoting a range of careers linked to their subjects. This shows their importance beyond school and helps pupils make informed choices about the subject options process, both at KS4 and KS5

STEM subject teachers highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career pathways and STEM activity days have regularly featured on the calendar with some exciting visitors being able to showcase their careers to students and inspire them for their own futures.

Pupils are given a range of tools to use in order to develop their research skills and access up-to-date information on labour markets and current trends. We recently introduced Unifrog the online careers platform to enable our students to plan their futures both in lessons and independently with access for all years available remotely via their own unique login.


Once a year the school hosts its own Careers Fair, inviting local employers and colleges in to the school to speak to our students. Students in year 10 and 11 and sixth form are invited to attend and are given the opportunity to ask any questions they have about the careers that interest them. We hope to provide a virtual careers event this year (2021) and build on the success of previous years.


Additionally, students in year 11 are provided with one to one careers guidance with an impartial careers guidance specialist who is a member of the Careers Development Institute. This service is provided by Ideas 4 Careers. For further information, please visit their website here:

If you have any further questions or queries, please contact our Subject Performance Leader for Personal Development Rosanna Wilson at or view the Kimberley Careers Hub.

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External Providers (Careers and Personal Development)

If you are part of an organisation and would like to get involved to support us with sessions or activities, we would love to hear from you.

External Providers: Contact Form

Please fill out some details in this form and we will come back to you with further information.

You may be interested in taking part in one of our regular events. We run the following events throughout the year. Please let us know in the form if you would like to be involved in these:

- Year 11 networking and mock interview day
- Whole School Careers Fair
- Personal Development Drop Down Day

Kimberley Careers Hub

Welcome to the Kimberley School Careers Hub!

We want all of our students to understand their options for career pathways, qualifications and their aspirations beyond Kimberley School. We would encourage all students, parents and carers to spend time outside of the school building browsing career options and further education choices, not just rely on careers guidance in lessons This is because it is such an important decision and pupils need as much support and guidance from everyone around them as possible.

If you require any assistance with planning for the future our Personal Development Subject Leader Miss E Cooper will be willing to help and can be contacted at

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Careers Guidance


This website has lots of video clips about different career choices. Take the BUZZ QUIZ to highlight your skills and qualities and suggested jobs to explore!

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Build up your own personal profile of your interests, skills, and preferences. It then makes suggestions of careers and jobs that you might like to find out more about based on your skills and qualities.


A one-stop-shop where students can explore their interests, then find their best next step after school. Students are signed up via email to their school email account. Please speak to Miss Cooper or your tutor for help signing in.


Tertiary Education: Post-16 Choices


The Kimberley School Sixth Form is a great place to learn. Students develop independence in a nurturing environment. We pride ourselves on the individual attention and close relationships students have with tutors and teachers. Our class sizes are deliberately kept small to allow for each student to receive the individual attention they need.


SEN Advice & Information

This page enables parents and students to look at further education options that cater for specific needs.




Independent university comparison website. Contains lots of guides on choosing subjects, higher education and careers. Also includes an A-Level explorer - see what kind of degree your A-Levels can link with.


Information on the Russell group universities.

Download the ‘Informed Choices Guide’ for information on:

– Choosing A Level options

– Subject requirements for degrees

– What facilitating subjects are and why they are important.


Interactive game that helps students and parents learn more about university life, finance and career options.


The essential event for school leavers is going virtual. Speak to top universities, get expert advice and benefit from one-to-one support to help you kick-start your future.


Search and apply for higher education courses and apprenticeships. You will also find many guides and videos on researching options and making applications.


Apprenticeships and Training


Apprenticeships, jobs, reviews & careers advice for school & college leavers. Also holds virtual apprenticeship fairs.

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Find out about all you need to know about apprenticeships. You can also search for employers that offer apprenticeships


Government  website for apprenticeship guidance and vacancies.


All things apprenticeship related, including videos from current apprentices.

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Information on all of the options available to students who do are not interested in going to university.


Labour Market Information

Understanding labour market information (LMI) is becoming increasingly important as the world of work changes. If you have asked any of the questions below you have been asking about LMI!


Understanding LMI can help inform and future proof your career choices, as well as support your career planning.


Search for vacancies and find local salary information:


Explore specific job sectors here, including salaries, what qualifications you need, what  people in the job actually do (and more!).

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Search for jobs here to hear from employees. There are also handy graphs to show you how many jobs there will be in the future.


Career Coach is designed to help you find a good career by providing the most current local data on wages, employment, job postings, and associated education and training:

Apprenticeships and Training


Volunteering charity that helps connect young people aged 14-25 with volunteering opportunities in their area.


Voluntary government programme for 15-17 year-olds that combines outdoor activities and adventure with volunteering on community projects.


Virtual Work Experience


Springpod is a free careers network for young people looking to discover their future career where you can also apply for virtual work experience opportunities in many career sectors.


Virtual Careers Fair


Attend a virtual Careers fair advertised as ‘The essential event for school leavers’ is going virtual. Speak to top universities and companies in real-time, get expert advice and benefit from one-to-one support to help you kick-start your future. Register for free tickets at:

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The Kimberley School

We Respect. We are Proud. We Succeed

Newdigate St | Kimberley | Nottinghamshire | NG16 2NJ

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Image of The East Midlands Educational Trust
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