The Community Room
The Community Room has now been in use since June 2009. It is proving very popular and is used by many community groups. The room can be booked for use by community groups or businesses and is equipped with an interactive whiteboard and projector. It has its own entrance, kitchen and toilet facilities and is completely separate from the school.
It is available from 4.00 pm to 10.30 pm all week. Early booking is advisable.
For further details please contact the school on: 0115 938 7000 or visit the hire page on Schoolhire
Lettings Arrangement
The school is used during the evenings and at weekends by a number of organisations for educational, sporting or recreational activities. It is possible to hire rooms/facilities in school and within our Sports Centre throughout the year. Please visit our lettings page here.
Kimberley Family of Schools
The ten schools in the Kimberley Family arrange a number of activities and meetings for staff to ensure continuity between phases.
Charity Fund-Raising
The school organises a number of fund raising events for both local, national and international charities. We have a developing link with a school in Burkina-Faso, West Africa and recent fund-raising has been directed towards supporting this school. Over £25,000 has been raised in school during ‘Comic Relief’ days.
Public Posts

Due to Government Funding in the Adult Education Budget, we have several Free
online Level 2 Accredited Courses available to Parents to help better understand
some key issues around young people's mental health and wellbeing.
Here's some of our most popular subjects available:
Understanding Children and Young Peoples Mental Health (Understand factors which may affect Young Peoples mental health, the impact that they have and how to support them with these issues)
Understanding Autism (learn how individuals process sensory information, understand characteristics, understand conditions, learn how speech, language and communication differ in people with Autism)
Understanding Behaviour That Challenges (supporting positive behaviour, effective communication & how to manage challenging behaviour)
Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties (understand characteristics of ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia & Dyscalculia, importance of early diagnosis, assessment methods available to diagnose learning difficulties)
Adverse Childhood Experiences (tailored to understand how separation, divorce and death in a family can have an effect on a child's mental health)
On average the courses take between 15-35 hours to complete (dependent on each individual's learning ability) within in a 6-week window and are completed on a laptop or computer at the learner's home. No Exams, end point assessments are involved, the courses are purely Q&A based and are available to you 24/7. You can do as many as you like, however you can just do one at a time.
The only criteria the learner must meet to be eligible, is the following..
Aged 19 or over on or before 31st August 2020
Have lived in the UK/EU for 3+ years
Not already on a Government funded course (Apprenticeship for example)
The course is completely free, but the learning provider reserves the right to charge a drop out fee in the event a learner enrols but then drops out without providing a reason (please note this is down to the individual and NOT the school - this will be highlighted when I call them once registered). That said, the college will grant extensions if the learner has a reason as to why they won't be able to complete it within the 6 weeks.
If you are interested in undertaking one of these Free Online courses, then please complete the following link asap. This will then allow me to contact you and send over the relevant Enrolment details and of course, answer any questions you have.
Hollywell Primary school registration form link
For more info, email office@hollywell.notts.sch.uk