D&T: Graphic Products
Subject Performance Leader
*updates pending*
Key Skills & Understanding:
vocabulary · grammar · analysis & contextualising · inference & interpretation · source referencing · historical context · communication · explanation · knowledge & retention · critical thinking · cultural awareness
let's take a look...
D&T: Graphic Products
Options Booklet
Revision Guides
Exam information
Extra Curricular & Trips
UNIT 1, 2 & 4
Introduction to Drawing/Designing techniques (Jul-Sep). CAD/CAM (Sep-Oct). Sustainability Design (Nov).
Regular H/W set in the form of assessment pieces to test skills learnt in class.
Monitor how your child is doing in the assessment pieces and find out what they need to improve upon. Check that homework is being completed.
Controlled Assessment
Introduction to designing and making (Dec-Feb).
Exam preparation - materials and manufacture.
The controlled assessment can only be completed in school when supervised by a teacher.
Encourage them to attend lunch sessions if they are behind with their work.
UNITS 5 & 6
Compliant materials, smart materials, Introduction to Photoshop. (Feb-Apr) Manufacturing and printing processes. Sustainability work continued. (May-July).
Regular H/W set. Students will be given exam questions to prepare them for the Year 11 exam and their mock exam in Year 10.
In the exam, marks are awarded for the spelling and punctuation. Pupils must plan and structure their answers. Check that they are using a writing frame and are planning how to answer the six mark questions. Check that homework is being completed.
Graphic Products
Y10 | Key Stage 4
Class Content
Independent Study
Assisted Study
Drawing Techniques
Advanced (Sep).
H/W covering isometric techniques, 1 and 2 point perspective.
Support with the technical drawings.
Controlled Assessment
6 Rs. moral, social, design, cultural, environmental and symbols links to sustainability.
Exam questions.
Mock exam.
Focus upon revision and techniques used in preparation for their final exams.
Year 11 Controlled Assessment
Pop up books, point of sale or architectural model. Situation , specification, design, modelling, making and evaluation. (Oct-Jan).
Fortnightly exam questions linked to theory previously covered. Worksheets to be completed to develop understanding of key graphics principles.
Help with the research section and decision over the type of project to choose.
The controlled assessment can only be completed in school when supervised by a teacher.
Encourage them to attend lunch sessions if they are behind with their work.
Materials /Processes /Finishing Techniques Used in Graphics. Ergonomics /Anthropometri cs / Mechanics.
Final Assessment. (FEB-Apr)
A series of worksheets and exam question covering all the basic concepts.
Research project into the relationship between products and humans.
Homework covering motion and movement.
Focus upon revision and techniques used in preparation for their final exams.
Advanced Exam Techniques/Revision.
(Apr -May)
Exam questions.
Mock exam.
Encourage the use a variety of revision techniques to ensure all core content has been revised.
Graphic Products
Y11 | Key Stage 4
Class Content
Independent Study
Assisted Study
Product Design
Step Up to Sixth Form
Revision Guides
Exam information
Extra Curricular & Trips
Product Design at KS5
Product Design seeks to develop student’s knowledge, understanding, skills when designing products. It encompasses a wide range of design disciplines but is firmly rooted in the skills required to design and make high quality products.
Who is it for?
The course is aimed at pupils who have gained a 5 or above at GCSE in the following Design and Technology subjects:
Resistant Materials, Graphic Products, Textiles
Course Content:
During the A level you will develop an understanding of materials and components that are used in the manufacture of products and investigate their different applications. You will develop your knowledge and skills by working in a variety of different materials and gain experience with the related processes. You will learn how to take a design problem, investigate the user needs, create early design concepts and then develop these ideas into a fully working prototype. This will be taught through a series of hands on practical session and mini projects.
Students in this unit will chose a design problem and investigate possible solutions to it. This will lead them to research the idea, offer a range of creative solutions and eventually produce a design solution. This will be presented in a portfolio and a final working porotype will be produced.
During Year 2 students will develop specialist knowledge and understanding of a range of materials and processes. They will investigate modern/contemporary designs, Market Influences, Processes and Manufacture processes. These consist of Industrial and Commercial Practices; Systems and Control; Design in Context; Influences of Design History on the Development of Product and sustainability
How will I be assessed?
Paper 1
Paper 1
What's assessed - Technical principles
How it's assessed - Written exam: 2 hours and 30 minutes
120 marks - 30% of A-level
Questions - Mixture of short answer and extended response.
NEA-Non examined assessment
NEA – Non examined assessment
What's assessed - Practical application of technical principles, designing and making principles.
How it's assessed - Substantial design and make project
100 marks - 50% of A-level
Evidence - Written or digital design portfolio and photographic evidence of final prototype.
Paper 2
Paper 2
What's assessed - Designing and making principles
How it's assessed - Written exam: 1 hour and 30 minutes
80 marks - 20% of A-level
Questions - Mixture of short answer and extended response questions.
Section A: Product Analysis: 30 marks
Section B: Commercial manufacture: 50 marks
Y12/13 Guide to Independent Learning
Chemistry at KS5
After each lesson you should:
Review your lesson notes and highlight anything that you do not understand so that you can ask about this in the next lesson
Glue in and label any handouts from the lesson
Check that the linguistic or literary terms used in the lesson (or used on any handout) are added to your glossary book.
Each fortnight you should:
Each fortnight you should:
Complete further background reading on the texts you are studying in class. This might include using YouTube or Google or a podcast to learn more about the scenes / chapters / poems you read in class.
Be proactive when completing your background reading - add any extra or interesting information to your notes
Below are some particularly useful sites for elements of the course Website: Find a ‘walk through’ of the different exams. Interactive quiz on terms.
www.cliffnotes.com Great for plot summaries and character analysis of the texts we study https://www.cram.com/flashcards/a-level-english-literature-andlanguage- terminology-6718949
Great for checking that your terms are correct.
At least once per half-term you should:
Carry out a book/ folder cleanse. Ensure work is in a sensible order (chronological or by theme) and that sections are clearly divided ( e.g. different teachers / different topics / assessments v class work)
Identify any missing work and take steps to fill gaps – liaise with a trusted study partner or your teacher
Review the work you have done over the half-term and make some active revision resources. Examples may include glossaries, mindmaps, flash cards, flow diagrams, quizzes, mood boards, drawings for understanding … be creative! It might be a good idea to produce quotation reminders /revision resources
Throughout the year you should:
Complete past paper questions with mark schemes from the Eduqas website. You should work through these questions to test your knowledge and critically assess your work using the mark schemes. This will be most useful in the run up to your mock exams and Summer exams. Keep up with your own personal reading. An English student should be reading a wide variety of texts, improving your knowledge and understanding of genres and the writer’s craft.
Where can this subject take me?
*Updates Pending*
Students of may wish to progress to a number of related courses that offer such specializations as:
Product Design
Further Education or vocation based training would significantly help towards freelance practices or careers in:
Product Designer
Graphic Artist
Sign Writer
CAD Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Concept Artist
3D Modeller
Games Designer
For more information of post-school progression please check out our dedicated Careers Page for related links and guidance.
For more information on this course throughout all key stages please contact Mr C. Bull