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Image by Chris Haws
D&T: Resistant Materials




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Subject Performance Leader

Key Skills & Understanding:

vocabulary · grammar · analysis & contextualising · inference & interpretation · source referencing · historical context · communication · explanation · knowledge & retention · critical thinking · cultural awareness 

let's take a look... 


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study

Encourage the use a variety of revision techniques to ensure all core content has been revised.

How to be safe in the design and technology classroom

Health and safety rules in the classroom.

Ask students how they ensure they are safe in the design and technology classroom.

Baseline Assessment.(Making  an acrylic keyring)

How to use basic tools and machines correctly and safely. How to mark out and measure accurately. How to use tools to cut, shape and smooth acrylic.

Name and explain the basic tools and equipment.

Talk to them regarding the process of cutting shaping and smoothing their acrylic keyring.

An introduction to materials 
(Making coasters and a coaster holder)

About natural woods, manufactured boards and plastics including their sub families and their characteristics. Further developing practical skills and understanding of working with tools and materials.

Researching hardwood, softwood, manufactured board, thermoplastics and thermoset plastics.
Completing worksheets and tasks as set by the class teacher.

Encourage them to be aware of products in the home, find out what materials are used for certain products and investigate why that material has been used (the properties).

Presenting design ideas from 2D to 3D (Sketching and drawing in 2D & 3D)

How to convert 2D geometric shapes to 3D.
How to sketch/ draw in oblique, isometric and 1pt perspective. (3D). The purpose of 2D and 3D when presenting designs to others.

Draw a product in oblique or isometric.
Draw a room or street scene in 1pt perspective.
Completing worksheets and tasks as set by the class teacher.

Encourage them to practise their sketching and drawing skills, and to show you the techniques they have learnt in class.

The Design Process (Making a vacumn formed Clock)

Understanding the stages of the design process, the importance of each stage and how they link together.
Develop a further understanding of plastics and their properties. Learning about different manufacturing techniques and processes.

Research existing products. Researching different plastic forming processes with examples of products. Homework project: Research a particular product such as mobile phones, personal music players, bicycles, computers etc. Investigate how they have developed over the years and think about how the design process has been used in the development.

Discuss what they are doing in lessons to produce their vacuum formed clocks, what is going well/not so well in the manufacture? Get them to think about what they are doing and how they are doing it, could they change the process? Would it improve the final outcome?(The final task in the clock project is an extended piece of critical writing where they will need to discuss all of these things.)

Electronics (Making an electronic  product)

Learning about inputs, processes and outputs.
The identification of electronic components.Electronic manufacturing processes including soldering.

Soldering storyboard (step by step guide)
Worksheets and tasks as set by the class teacher.

Encourage them to be enquirers and investigate how things work.

Resistant Materials

Y7 | Key Stage 3


Resistant Materials


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white diamond 50whitediamond.webp
Materials 2

A further understanding of woods and plastic.An introduction to metals: ferrous,non-ferrous and alloys.An introduction to composite, smart and modern materials.

What would happen if?Investigating products and the materials they are made with.Looking at material properties.Completing worksheets and tasks as set by the class teacher.

Encourage them to be aware of products in the home, find out what materials are used for certain products and investigate why that material has been used (the properties).
Ask them what would happen if a product was manufactured with a different material.

Manufacturing processes  and making ajointed Toy.

Scales of production including one off,batch and mass.Assembly methods.Product disassembly and analysis.How to manufacture wooden products.

Skills worksheets on the processes we use in school.Completing worksheets and tasks as set by the class teacher.

Look at products which are used in your everyday lives and get them to think about the ways in which they have been manufactured. Think about the tools, equipment and processes which are involved.

design ideas 2
from 2D to 3D
(Sketching and
drawing in 2D
and 3D).

Developing 3D drawing skills, drawing curves in isometric, 2 point perspective.Technical drawing skills, including 3rd angle orthographic projection.Understanding the appropriate use and differences of sketches and drawings in both 2D and 3D

What good looks like! Analyse 2 design ideas and decide whether/how they fully communicate the design.
Completing worksheets and tasks as set by the class teacher.

Encourage them to practise their sketching and drawing skills, and to show you the techniques they have learnt in class.

Systems and
(Making a
mechanical toy)

Motion and mechanisms. Integrating mechanisms into products.

Research a product and investigate the types of motion it has and mechanisms it may use.Completing worksheets and tasks as set by the class teacher.

Ensure they are able to explain to you the four types of motion 􀀁 rotary, linear, reciprocating and oscillating. Ask them about how we can transfer one type of motion to another


Learn what is meant by sustainability.Understand why and how products have an impact on the environment. Learn about the six R's : Recycle, Rethink, Refuse, Recycle, Reuse, Repair.

Homework Project: research a given product and its impact on the environment at each stage of the product's life cycle. Design a more environmentally friendly version of that product.Analyse packaging at home and look for the symbols which relate to sustainability. Examine a mobile phone.

Encourage them to be aware of the packaging they are using and throwing away. Could it be recycled or reused?Look at products and investigate whether they have been designed tobe repaired or just thrown away. Why and how have they been designed in this way?

Y8 | Key Stage 3

Resistant Materials


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study


Y9 | Key Stage 3

Resistant Materials

Joining Materials. Resistant materials focus for options. Storage.

Methods of joining materials -temporary and permanent fixings, wood joints, adhesives. The purpose and methods of using surface finishes.

Research on wood joints.Research on surface finishes.Completing worksheets and tasks as set by the class teacher.

Ask them about the methods of joining woods, investigate with them the pros and cons of using certain methods for certain purposes (strength, durability, portability etc). Take a look at a wooden product you have in the home, why has it been manufactured in the way it has?

Computer Aided Design and Manufacture

About CAD / CAM and its purpose in design and technology.Design influences: social and cultural issues.How to use CAD programmes such as SketchUp and 2Ddesign.

Leisure centre mood board. 2D floor plans of the design. Completing worksheets and tasks as set by the class teacher.

If you are able to, download SketchUp and get your child to teach you how to use it.
Together create drawings of products you have in the home and maybe design your own.

Graphic Focus for options. Leisure Centre.

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Materials and Processes 3. Metals

A further understanding  of metals.
About manufacturing methods for metals. (joining, casting and forming).

Worksheets and questions on the manufacturing methods of metals. Analysis of products with a focus on design for manufacture.

Help them to be aware of the metal around them, look at engineering structures when you are out and about, think about the ways in which cars or products that interest them have been manufactured.

Presenting design ideas 3
(Developing drawing skill in 3D)

How to draw more complex / organic shapes in isometric. About exploded views and how to draw them.

Research the meaning of 'biomimicry' and how this can aid creativity in design. Completing worksheets and tasks as set by the class teacher.

Get them to explain what an exploded view is and how/why they are used in the design process.

aided design in
systems and control.

Product analysis of electronic products. Disassembly of electronic products.Designing circuits using the CAD programme Live Wire.Computer and mathematical modelling of the circuits using Live Wire.

Creating a storyboard of how to create a simple circuit.Completing worksheets and tasks as set by the class teacher.

Get them to explain to you the purpose of using CAD when designing products.

Sustainability and design influences (design periods through history)

How to undertake the design process from start to finish.About sustainable products and how to design them. About design periods through history and how they influence the design of the products we use today. This project consolidates most of the learning our students have done in the last 3 years in order for them to design and make their own product.

Homework project: research design periods through history (e.g. Art Deco, Bauhaus) and design a product in the style of a chosen design period.

Ask them about the work they are undertaking and how the product they are designing fit in with the design period or designer they have chosen.
Help them to come up with innovative ideas which are a little bit different. Get them to think about the manufacturing processes that they could use


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study


Resistant Materials


Options Booklet
Revision Guides
Exam information
Extra Curricular & Trips


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Unit 1 - Exam

The exam will be taken in the Summer of Year 11 and will examine the students' knowledge and understanding of the theory of the subject. This theory is covered throughout the 2 years of the course.The exam is worth 40% of the final GCSE grade.

Homework is set every Tuesday for the following Tuesday and will support the learning from that week.

Checking that homework is completed to the best of students' ability. If students are struggling with any aspect of homework please encourage them to ask their teacher for help.

Materials and Components,
Processes and Manufacture,
Design and Market Influences.

The theory for these modules is taught through a mix of theory lessons and mini projects which start from September until Easter (April) and will continue once the controlled assessment is completed in February

Homework is set every Tuesday for the following Tuesday and will support the learning from that week.

Checking that homework is completed to the best of students' ability. If students are struggling with any aspect of homework please encourage them to ask their teacher for help.

Resistant Materials

Y10 | Key Stage 4


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study

Unit 2 Controlled Assessment.

The Controlled Assessment is undertaken as a design and make project which is set by the exam board. This work cannot be completed at home.The controlled assessment is worth 60% of the final GCSE grade.

Checking that homework is completed to the best of students' ability. If students are struggling with any aspect of homework please encourage them to ask their teacher for help.

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Materials and Components, Processes and Manufacture, Design and Market Influences.

Students can't work on their controlled assessment at home and so homework at this time will focus upon further developing students' understanding of the theory.

Checking that homework is completed to the best of students' ability. If students are struggling with any aspect of homework please encourage them to ask their teacher for help.

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Resistant Materials

Y11 | Key Stage 4


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study


Product Design



Step Up to Sixth Form
Revision Guides
Exam information
Extra Curricular & Trips

Product Design at KS5

The course is aimed at pupils who have gained a 5 or above at GCSE in the following Design and Technology subjects:
Resistant Materials
Graphic Products

Who is it for?

Product Design seeks to develop student’s knowledge, understanding, skills when designing products. It encompasses a wide range of design disciplines but is firmly rooted in the skills required to design and make high quality products.  


What will i study?

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What Will i Study

Paper 1

Paper 1
What's assessed
Technical principles
How it's assessed
Written exam: 2 hours and 30 minutes
120 marks - 30% of A-level
Mixture of short answer and extended response.

Paper 3

NEA – Non examined assessment
What's assessed
Practical application of technical principles, designing and making principles.
How it's assessed
Substantial design and make project
100 marks - 50% of A-level
Written or digital design portfolio and photographic evidence of final prototype.

Paper 2

Paper 2
What's assessed
Designing and making principles
How it's assessed
W itten exam: 1 hour and 30 minutes
80 marks - 20% of A-level
Mixture of short answer and extended response questions.
Section A:
roduct Analysis: 30 marks
Section B:
ommercial manufacture: 50 marks

Course Content:

Unit 1

UNIT 1: CORE TECHNICAL PRINCIPLES AND CORE DEISIGNING AND MAKING PRINCIPLES :During the A level you will develop an understanding of materials and components that are used in the manufacture of products and investigate their different applications. You will develop your knowledge and skills by working in a variety of different materials and gain experience with the related processes. You will learn how to take a design problem, investigate the user needs, create early design concepts and then develop these ideas into a fully working prototype. This will be taught through a series of hands on practical session and mini projects.

Unit 3

UNIT 3: PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF TECHNICAL PRINCIPLES, DESIGNING AND MAKING PRINCIPLES AND SPECIALIST KNOWLEDGE:Students in this unit will chose a design problem and investigate possible solutions to it. This will lead them to research the idea, offer a range of creative solutions and eventually produce a design solution. This will be presented in a portfolio and a final working porotype will be produced.

Unit 2

UNIT 2: SPECIALIST KNOWLEDGE, TECHNICAL AND DESIGNING AND MAKING PRINCIPLES:During Year 2 students will develop specialist knowledge and understanding of a range of materials and processes. They will investigate modern/contemporary designs, Market Influences, Processes and Manufacture processes. These consist of Industrial and Commercial Practices; Systems and Control; Design in Context; Influences of Design History on the Development of Product and sustainability

Y12/13 Guide to Independent Learning

English Language & Literature at KS5

After each lesson you should:
  • Review your lesson notes and highlight anything that you do not understand so that you can ask about this in the next lesson

  • Glue in and label any handouts from the lesson

  • Check that the linguistic or literary terms used in the lesson (or used on any handout) are added to your glossary book.

Each fortnight you should:
  • Each fortnight you should:

  • Complete further background reading on the texts you are studying in class. This might include using YouTube or Google or a podcast to learn more about the scenes / chapters / poems you read in class.

  • Be proactive when completing your background reading - add any extra or interesting information to your notes

  • Below are some particularly useful sites for elements of the course Website: Find a ‘walk through’ of the different exams. Interactive quiz on terms. Great for plot summaries and character analysis of the texts we study terminology-6718949
    Great for checking that your terms are correct.

At least once per half-term you should:
  • Carry out a book/ folder cleanse. Ensure work is in a sensible order (chronological or by theme) and that sections are clearly divided ( e.g. different teachers / different topics / assessments v class work)

  • Identify any missing work and take steps to fill gaps – liaise with a trusted study partner or your teacher

  • Review the work you have done over the half-term and make some active revision resources. Examples may include glossaries, mindmaps, flash cards, flow diagrams, quizzes, mood boards, drawings for understanding … be creative! It might be a good idea to produce quotation reminders /revision resources

Throughout the year you should:
  • Complete past paper questions with mark schemes from the Eduqas website. You should work through these questions to test your knowledge and critically assess your work using the mark schemes. This will be most useful in the run up to your mock exams and Summer exams. Keep up with your own personal reading. An English student should be reading a wide variety of texts, improving your knowledge and understanding of genres and the writer’s craft.

Where can this subject take me?

*Updates Pending*

Students of may wish to progress to a number of related courses that offer such specializations as:

Product Design


Further Education or vocation based training would significantly help towards freelance practices or careers in:


For more information of post-school progression please check out our dedicated Careers Page for related links and guidance.

For more information on this course throughout all key stages please contact Mr C. Bull
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