Exams Information
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Examination Timetables
Mock Exams - March 2025 - English & Maths Skeleton Timetable
Date | Component Title | Start | Len | Level | Board | Component Code | Cands |
Thu 13 Mar | English Language Paper | 09:00 | 1:45 | Locl/B | DOM | Y11ELA | 230 |
Thu 20 Mar | Maths Paper 1 (Foundation) Calc | 09:00 | 1:30 | Locl/B | DOM | MaP1KS4 | 115 |
Thu 20 Mar | Maths Paper 1 (Higher) Calc | 09:00 | 1:30 | Locl/B | DOM | M1HKS4 | 115 |
Mon 24 Mar | English Literature paper.. | 09:00 | 2:15 | Locl/B | DOM | Y11ELI | 230 |
Tue 25 Mar | Maths Paper 2 (Foundation) Non-Calc | 09:00 | 1:30 | Locl/B | DOM | MaP2KS4 | 115 |
Tue 25 Mar | Maths Paper 2 (Higher) Non-Calc | 09:00 | 1:30 | Locl/B | DOM | M2HKS4 | 115 |
Wed 26 Mar | Maths Paper 3 (Foundation) Calc | 13:00 | 1:30 | Locl/B | DOM | MaP3KS4 | 115 |
Wed 26 Mar | Maths Paper 3 (Higher) Calc | 13:00 | 1:30 | Locl/B | DOM | M3HKS4 | 115 |
Summer Exams - May 1st - July 31st 2025 - Skeleton Timetable
Date | Component Title | Start | Length | Level | Board | Component Code | Cands |
TBA | French Speaking Test Tier F | TBA | 00:00 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8658/SF | 7 |
TBA | French Speaking Test Tier H | TBA | 00:00 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8658/SH | 8 |
TBA | German Speaking Test Tier F | TBA | 00:00 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8668/SF | 6 |
TBA | German Speaking Test Tier H | TBA | 00:00 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8668/SH | 9 |
TBA | Spanish Speaking Test Tier H | TBA | 00:00 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8698/SH | 13 |
TBA | Spanish Speaking Test Tier F | TBA | 00:00 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8698/SF | 12 |
TBA | Art & Des (Fine Art) Ext Set | TBA | 10:00 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8202/X | 67 |
TBA | French ADV Speaking Teacher Cond | TBA | 00:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7652/3T | 2 |
TBA | German ADV Speaking Teacher Cond | TBA | 00:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7662/3T | 2 |
TBA | Spanish ADV Speaking Teacher Cond | TBA | 00:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7692/3T | 1 |
TBA | Practical Performance | TBA | 00:00 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1PE0 03 | 14 |
TBA | Drama Comp 2 Text in Action | TBA | 00:00 | GCE/A | WJEC/GCE | A690U20-1 | 1 |
TBA | Food Science & Nutrition Unit 2 | TBA | 00:00 | L3/L3 | WJEC/GCE | 4563U20-1 | 5 |
TBA | Speaking (H) -Accumulator | TBA | 00:00 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1CN0 2H | 7 |
TBA | Speaking (H) -Cantonese | TBA | 00:00 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1CN0 2HC | 4 |
TBA | Speaking (H) -Mandarin | TBA | 00:00 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1CN0 2HM | 3 |
TBA | Speaking (H) | TBA | 00:00 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1RU0 2H | 2 |
Thu 08 May | Drama COMPONENT3 Interpretin Theatre | 09:00 | 01:30 | GCSE/9FC | WJEC/GCSE | C690U30-1 | 23 |
Thu 08 May | German Listening Test Tier F | 13:00 | 00:35 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8668/LF | 6 |
Thu 08 May | German Reading Test Tier F | 13:00 | 00:45 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8668/RF | 6 |
Thu 08 May | German Listening Test Tier H | 13:00 | 00:45 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8668/LH | 9 |
Thu 08 May | German Reading Test Tier H | 13:00 | 01:00 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8668/RH | 9 |
Fri 09 May | Investigating Small Bus. | 13:00 | 01:45 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1BS0 01 | 59 |
Mon 12 May | English Literature Paper 1 | 09:00 | 01:45 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8702/1 | 229 |
Mon 12 May | ID3IT : U1 Fundamentals of IT | 09:00 | 01:30 | CAMX/ID3 | RSA | 584001 | 7 |
Mon 12 May | Comp Sci: Computer Systems Wrtn | 13:00 | 01:30 | GCSE/9FC | OCR | J277/01 | 19 |
Mon 12 May | Listening (H) | 13:00 | 00:45 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1CN0 1H | 7 |
Mon 12 May | Reading (H) | 13:00 | 01:05 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1CN0 3H | 7 |
Tue 13 May | Religious Studies A P1-3 Christ & P1-6 Judaism | 09:00 | 01:45 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8062/13 | 24 |
Tue 13 May | Religious Studies A P1-6 Judaism (Don't Seat) | 09:00 | 00:00 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8062/16 | 24 |
Tue 13 May | Geography ADV Paper 1 | 09:00 | 02:30 | GCE/A | AQA | 7037/1 | 22 |
Tue 13 May | RS Route A COMP1 in the Modern World | 09:00 | 02:00 | GCSE/9FC | WJEC/GCSE | C120U10-1 | 1 |
Tue 13 May | Biology Paper 1 Tier H | 13:00 | 01:45 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8461/1H | 25 |
Tue 13 May | Combined Sci Trilogy Biology P1H | 13:00 | 01:15 | GCSE/9DA | AQA | 8464/B/1H | 70 |
Tue 13 May | Combined Sci Trilogy Biology P1F | 13:00 | 01:15 | GCSE/9DA | AQA | 8464/B/1F | 134 |
Wed 14 May | Geography Paper 1 | 09:00 | 01:30 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8035/1 | 143 |
Wed 14 May | Market, People & Global BU | 09:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | EDEXL/GCE | 9BS0 01 | 9 |
Wed 14 May | Mathematical Studies Paper 1 | 09:00 | 01:30 | L3/B | AQA | 1350/1 | 4 |
Wed 14 May | Sport Studies: Cntmpry Issue Sprt Wtn | 13:00 | 01:15 | CNAT/1&2 | OCR | R184/01 | 47 |
Wed 14 May | Media Studies COMP1 Exploring Media | 13:00 | 01:30 | GCSE/9FC | WJEC/GCSE | C680U10-1 | 57 |
Wed 14 May | Eng L & L Component 1 Poetry & Prose | 13:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | WJEC/GCE | A710U10-1 | 4 |
Wed 14 May | English Lit Component 1 Poetry | 13:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | WJEC/GCE | A720U10-1 | 13 |
Thu 15 May | Mathematics: Paper 1 Fnd Wrtn | 09:00 | 01:30 | GCSE/9FC | OCR | J560/01 | 115 |
Thu 15 May | Mathematics: Paper 4 Hgh Wrtn | 09:00 | 01:30 | GCSE/9FC | OCR | J560/04 | 115 |
Thu 15 May | German Writing Test Tier F | 13:00 | 01:00 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8668/WF | 6 |
Thu 15 May | German Writing Test Tier H | 13:00 | 01:15 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8668/WH | 9 |
Thu 15 May | EC3SP : U3 Sports Organise & Develop | 13:00 | 01:00 | CAMX/EC3 | RSA | 582703 | 10 |
Fri 16 May | Psychology ADV Paper 1 | 09:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7182/1 | 20 |
Fri 16 May | Medicine in Britain | 09:00 | 01:20 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1HI0 11 | 120 |
Fri 16 May | Building A Business | 13:00 | 01:45 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1BS0 02 | 59 |
Mon 19 May | Chemistry Paper 1 Tier H | 09:00 | 01:45 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8462/1H | 25 |
Mon 19 May | Combined Sci Trilogy Chemistry P1H | 09:00 | 01:15 | GCSE/9DA | AQA | 8464/C/1H | 70 |
Mon 19 May | Combined Sci Trilogy Chemistry P1F | 09:00 | 01:15 | GCSE/9DA | AQA | 8464/C/1F | 134 |
Mon 19 May | Sociology ADV Paper 1 | 09:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7192/1 | 12 |
Mon 19 May | Fitness and Body Systems | 13:00 | 01:30 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1PE0 01 | 14 |
Mon 19 May | IT: IT in The Digital World Wtn | 13:00 | 01:30 | CNAT/1&2 | OCR | R050/01 | 7 |
Mon 19 May | Media Studies Comp 1 Media Products | 13:00 | 02:15 | GCE/A | WJEC/GCE | A680U10-1 | 4 |
Mon 19 May | Writing (H) | 13:00 | 01:25 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1CN0 4H | 7 |
Tue 20 May | English Literature Paper 2 | 09:00 | 02:15 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8702/2 | 229 |
Tue 20 May | German ADV Paper 1 List, Read & Writ | 09:00 | 02:30 | GCE/A | AQA | 7662/1 | 2 |
Tue 20 May | Activs, Decision & Strats. | 09:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | EDEXL/GCE | 9BS0 02 | 9 |
Tue 20 May | Comp Sci: Comp Thnk Algrthm Prgrm Wtn | 13:00 | 01:30 | GCSE/9FC | OCR | J277/02 | 19 |
Wed 21 May | French Listening Test Tier F | 09:00 | 00:35 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8658/LF | 7 |
Wed 21 May | French Reading Test Tier F | 09:00 | 00:45 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8658/RF | 7 |
Wed 21 May | French Listening Test Tier H | 09:00 | 00:45 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8658/LH | 8 |
Wed 21 May | French Reading Test Tier H | 09:00 | 01:00 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8658/RH | 8 |
Wed 21 May | Psychology ADV Paper 2 | 09:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7182/2 | 20 |
Wed 21 May | Religious Studies A P2A Excl Text | 13:00 | 01:45 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8062/2A | 24 |
Wed 21 May | RS Routea COMP2 Study Ofchristianity | 13:00 | 01:00 | GCSE/9FC | WJEC/GCSE | C120U20-1 | 1 |
Thu 22 May | Physics Paper 1 Tier H | 09:00 | 01:45 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8463/1H | 25 |
Thu 22 May | Combined Sci Trilogy Physics P1H | 09:00 | 01:15 | GCSE/9DA | AQA | 8464/P/1H | 70 |
Thu 22 May | Combined Sci Trilogy Physics P1F | 09:00 | 01:15 | GCSE/9DA | AQA | 8464/P/1F | 134 |
Thu 22 May | Eng L & L Component 2 Drama | 09:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | WJEC/GCE | A710U20-1 | 4 |
Thu 22 May | English Lit Component 2 Drama | 09:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | WJEC/GCE | A720U20-1 | 13 |
Thu 22 May | Mathematical Studies Paper 2 Opt A | 09:00 | 01:30 | L3/B | AQA | 1350/2A | 4 |
Thu 22 May | Geography ADV Paper 2 | 13:00 | 02:30 | GCE/A | AQA | 7037/2 | 22 |
Thu 22 May | Further Mathematics ADV Paper 1 | 13:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7367/1 | 4 |
Thu 22 May | Medstudies COMP2 Understanding Media | 13:00 | 01:30 | GCSE/9FC | WJEC/GCSE | C680U20-1 | 57 |
Fri 23 May | English Language Paper 1 | 09:00 | 01:45 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8700/1 | 231 |
Fri 23 May | Physics A: Modelling Physics Wtn | 09:00 | 02:15 | GCE/A | OCR | H556/01 | 13 |
Fri 23 May | Britain 1625-1701 | 09:00 | 02:15 | GCE/A | EDEXL/GCE | 9HI0 1C | 24 |
Mon 02 Jun | D & T: Product Design ADV Paper 1 | 09:00 | 02:30 | GCE/A | AQA | 7552/1 | 14 |
Mon 02 Jun | D & T: Fashion and Textiles ADV Pap 1 | 09:00 | 02:30 | GCE/A | AQA | 7562/1 | 2 |
Mon 02 Jun | Drama Comp 3 Text in Performance | 09:00 | 02:30 | GCE/A | WJEC/GCE | A690U30-1 | 1 |
Tue 03 Jun | Spanish ADV Pap 1 List, Read & Writ | 09:00 | 02:30 | GCE/A | AQA | 7692/1 | 1 |
Tue 03 Jun | Listening (H) | 09:00 | 00:45 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1RU0 1H | 2 |
Tue 03 Jun | Reading (H) | 09:00 | 01:05 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1RU0 3H | 2 |
Tue 03 Jun | Food Science & Nutr. Unit 1 External | 13:00 | 01:45 | L3/L3 | WJEC/GCE | 4563UB0-1 | 17 |
Wed 04 Jun | Sociology ADV Paper 2 | 09:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7192/2 | 12 |
Wed 04 Jun | Mathematics: Paper 2 Fnd Wrtn | 09:00 | 01:30 | GCSE/9FC | OCR | J560/02 | 115 |
Wed 04 Jun | Mathematics: Paper 5 Hgh Wrtn | 09:00 | 01:30 | GCSE/9FC | OCR | J560/05 | 115 |
Wed 04 Jun | Mathematics ADV Paper 1 | 13:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7357/1 | 38 |
Wed 04 Jun | Hsc: Prncpls Care in Hsc Sttngs Wtn | 13:00 | 01:15 | CNAT/1&2 | OCR | R032/01 | 32 |
Wed 04 Jun | RS Route A Comp 3 Islam | 13:00 | 01:00 | GCSE/9FC | WJEC/GCSE | C120U50-1 | 1 |
Thu 05 Jun | Anglo-Saxon and Norman | 09:00 | 00:00 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1HI0 B1 | 120 |
Thu 05 Jun | The American West | 09:00 | 00:00 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1HI0 P3 | 120 |
Thu 05 Jun | American W., Saxon, Norman | 09:00 | 01:50 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1HI0 2J | 120 |
Thu 05 Jun | French Writing Test Tier F | 13:00 | 01:00 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8658/WF | 7 |
Thu 05 Jun | French Writing Test Tier H | 13:00 | 01:15 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8658/WH | 8 |
Thu 05 Jun | Biology A: Biological Processes Wtn | 13:00 | 02:15 | GCE/A | OCR | H420/01 | 21 |
Thu 05 Jun | Media Studies Comp 2 Media Forms | 13:00 | 02:30 | GCE/A | WJEC/GCE | A680U20-1 | 4 |
Fri 06 Jun | English Language Paper 2 | 09:00 | 01:45 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8700/2 | 231 |
Fri 06 Jun | French ADV Paper 1 List, Read & Writ | 09:00 | 02:30 | GCE/A | AQA | 7652/1 | 2 |
Fri 06 Jun | Geography Paper 2 | 13:00 | 01:30 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8035/2 | 143 |
Fri 06 Jun | Further Mathematics ADV Paper 2 | 13:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7367/2 | 4 |
Fri 06 Jun | France & Russia Rev. | 13:00 | 01:30 | GCE/A | EDEXL/GCE | 9HI0 2C | 24 |
Mon 09 Jun | Biology Paper 2 Tier H | 09:00 | 01:45 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8461/2H | 25 |
Mon 09 Jun | Combined Sci Trilogy Biology P2H | 09:00 | 01:15 | GCSE/9DA | AQA | 8464/B/2H | 70 |
Mon 09 Jun | Combined Sci Trilogy Biology P2F | 09:00 | 01:15 | GCSE/9DA | AQA | 8464/B/2F | 134 |
Mon 09 Jun | German ADV Paper 2 Writing | 09:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7662/2 | 2 |
Mon 09 Jun | Psychology ADV Paper 3 | 09:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7182/3 | 20 |
Mon 09 Jun | Physics A: Exploring Physics Wtn | 09:00 | 02:15 | GCE/A | OCR | H556/02 | 13 |
Mon 09 Jun | Health and Performance | 13:00 | 01:15 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1PE0 02 | 14 |
Mon 09 Jun | Investigating Business | 13:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | EDEXL/GCE | 9BS0 03 | 9 |
Tue 10 Jun | Spanish Listening Test Tier H | 09:00 | 00:45 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8698/LH | 13 |
Tue 10 Jun | Spanish Reading Test Tier H | 09:00 | 01:00 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8698/RH | 13 |
Tue 10 Jun | Spanish Listening Test Tier F | 09:00 | 00:35 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8698/LF | 12 |
Tue 10 Jun | Spanish Reading Test Tier F | 09:00 | 00:45 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8698/RF | 12 |
Tue 10 Jun | D & T: Product Design ADV Paper 2 | 09:00 | 01:30 | GCE/A | AQA | 7552/2 | 14 |
Tue 10 Jun | D & T: Fashion and Textiles ADV Pap 2 | 09:00 | 01:30 | GCE/A | AQA | 7562/2 | 2 |
Tue 10 Jun | Chem A: Prdc Tble Elmnt Phy Chm Wtn | 09:00 | 02:15 | GCE/A | OCR | H432/01 | 15 |
Tue 10 Jun | Weimar & Nazi Germany | 13:00 | 01:30 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1HI0 31 | 120 |
Tue 10 Jun | Rel Stud: Philosophy of Religion Wtn | 13:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | OCR | H573/01 | 4 |
Wed 11 Jun | Spanish ADV Paper 2 Writing | 09:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7692/2 | 1 |
Wed 11 Jun | Mathematics: Paper 3 Fnd Wrtn | 09:00 | 01:30 | GCSE/9FC | OCR | J560/03 | 115 |
Wed 11 Jun | Mathematics: Paper 6 Hgh Wrtn | 09:00 | 01:30 | GCSE/9FC | OCR | J560/06 | 115 |
Wed 11 Jun | Eng L & L Component 3 Nonliterary Text | 09:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | WJEC/GCE | A710U30-1 | 4 |
Wed 11 Jun | English Lit Component 3 Unseen Texts | 09:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | WJEC/GCE | A720U30-1 | 13 |
Thu 12 Jun | Geography Paper 3 | 09:00 | 01:30 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8035/3 | 143 |
Thu 12 Jun | Usa Rights & Change in UK | 09:00 | 02:15 | GCE/A | EDEXL/GCE | 9HI0 39 | 24 |
Thu 12 Jun | Mathematics ADV Paper 2 | 13:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7357/2 | 38 |
Thu 12 Jun | Further Mathematics Paper 1 | 13:00 | 01:45 | L2/FC | AQA | 8365/1 | 13 |
Thu 12 Jun | Writing (H) | 13:00 | 01:25 | GCSE/9FC | EDEXL/GCSE | 1RU0 4H | 2 |
Fri 13 Jun | Chemistry Paper 2 Tier H | 09:00 | 01:45 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8462/2H | 25 |
Fri 13 Jun | Combined Sci Trilogy Chemistry P2H | 09:00 | 01:15 | GCSE/9DA | AQA | 8464/C/2H | 70 |
Fri 13 Jun | Combined Sci Trilogy Chemistry P2F | 09:00 | 01:15 | GCSE/9DA | AQA | 8464/C/2F | 134 |
Fri 13 Jun | Biology A: Biological Diversity Wtn | 09:00 | 02:15 | GCE/A | OCR | H420/02 | 21 |
Fri 13 Jun | Sociology ADV Paper 3 | 13:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7192/3 | 12 |
Fri 13 Jun | Further Maths ADV Paper 3 Discrete | 13:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7367/3D | 4 |
Fri 13 Jun | Further Maths ADV Paper 3 Mechanics | 13:00 | 00:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7367/3M | 4 |
Mon 16 Jun | Physics Paper 2 Tier H | 09:00 | 01:45 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8463/2H | 25 |
Mon 16 Jun | Combined Sci Trilogy Physics P2H | 09:00 | 01:15 | GCSE/9DA | AQA | 8464/P/2H | 70 |
Mon 16 Jun | Combined Sci Trilogy Physics P2F | 09:00 | 01:15 | GCSE/9DA | AQA | 8464/P/2F | 134 |
Mon 16 Jun | French ADV Paper 2 Writing | 09:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7652/2 | 2 |
Mon 16 Jun | Chem A: Synths & Anlytcl Tchnqs Wtn | 09:00 | 02:15 | GCE/A | OCR | H432/02 | 15 |
Mon 16 Jun | Music Written Paper | 13:00 | 01:30 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8271/W | 16 |
Tue 17 Jun | Spanish Writing Test Tier H | 09:00 | 01:15 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8698/WH | 13 |
Tue 17 Jun | Spanish Writing Test Tier F | 09:00 | 01:00 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8698/WF | 12 |
Tue 17 Jun | Physics A: Unified Physics Wtn | 09:00 | 01:30 | GCE/A | OCR | H556/03 | 13 |
Tue 17 Jun | Rel Stud: Religion and Ethics Wtn | 13:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | OCR | H573/02 | 4 |
Tue 17 Jun | Foodprp & Ntrition COMP1 Written Princ | 13:00 | 01:45 | GCSE/9FC | WJEC/GCSE | C560UA0-1 | 55 |
Wed 18 Jun | Design and Technology Written Paper | 09:00 | 02:00 | GCSE/9FC | AQA | 8552/W | 90 |
Wed 18 Jun | Biology A: Unified Biology Wtn | 09:00 | 01:30 | GCE/A | OCR | H420/03 | 21 |
Wed 18 Jun | Further Mathematics Paper 2 | 13:00 | 01:45 | L2/FC | AQA | 8365/2 | 13 |
Thu 19 Jun | Mathematics ADV Paper 3 | 13:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | AQA | 7357/3 | 38 |
Fri 20 Jun | Chem A: Unified Chemistry Wtn | 09:00 | 01:30 | GCE/A | OCR | H432/03 | 15 |
Fri 20 Jun | Rel Stud: Dvlpmnts Chrstn Thght Wtn | 09:00 | 02:00 | GCE/A | OCR | H573/03 | 4 |
Please note
Exam timetables published here are correct at time of publication but may be subject to change.
Exam Contingency Dates:
The Joint Council of Qualifications (JCQ) have stated that for this academic year Wednesday 11th June (afternoon only) & Wednesday 25th June 2025 has been designated by the Exam Boards as a ‘contingency day’ for examinations.
These contingency days may be used if there is any disruption to a day of examinations - in this case examinations may be rescheduled. Therefore, students need to make sure they are available on both dates and should not be away / on holiday on these dates. The JCQ go on to say, if students are not available because they are on holiday and one of their exams is rescheduled to a contingency day, they will not eligible for special consideration by the exam boards. For this reason, the JCQ request all schools inform parents and students of this date so that it can be taken into account when making plans for the summer.
Supporting exam stress, a parent’s guide
Exam season can be a very daunting time for some young people, whereas others seem to just take in in their stride. As parents/carers, you may also be feeling under pressure as you want your child to be able to do their best and put the required effort in. You may find that helping them get motivated and organised for revision is an uphill struggle. If you are concerned, contact your child’s tutor in the first instance for support and advice.
If you’re worried about your child’s exams and the marks they might get, imagine how overwhelming it might be for them. Preparing for and sitting exams can be a very pressured time, and then, once the exams are finished, it's a countdown to the results which can be equally stressful.
As a parent you can really help your children through this time just by being there for them and trying to keep things in perspective whilst encouraging them to talk about their feelings and fears. You can also help by ensuring your child:
• Eats well and has good sleep habits
• Exercises to boost energy levels, clear the mind and relieve stress
• Plans a revision schedule that includes ‘down time’. Students receive a lot of support with this through life skills lessons, assemblies and tutor times.
Resources with dealing with exam stress and anxiety
Childline have a dedicated area of their website for advice regarding exam stress
as do www.youngminds.org.uk
Summer 2025 Results Days
GCSE Results Day - Thursday 21st Aug
GCSE results will be published on Thursday, 21st August 2025.
Results will be available from 8.30 a.m. until 11 a.m. in Hall 1.
Please enter school through main reception.
All year 11 students are encouraged to come into school on this day. Staff will be here to support you and ensure that you are able to secure your place at Kimberley Sixth Form or answer any questions about results and what this might mean for destinations for September.
Independent careers advice should be available for appointments in school around this time too.
With a record number of applications for Year 12 this year, we know that students will be keen to secure their places as soon as possible on the 21st August.
Once you have your results and are planning to come to our Sixth Form you will need to go to Hall 2 where Sixth Form staff will take you through the enrolment process.
If parents/carers wish to contact school, phones will be monitored between 9 a.m. and 12 a.m. (0115 938 7000).
We appreciate that the results period can be a little stressful but know from experience that the vast majority of students will be satisfied with their results and will be able celebrate their success.
External Applicants: Once you have collected results, please bring a copy of them to school between 9 a.m. and 11.30 a.m. Enter through main reception and you will be directed to Hall 2 where a member of Sixth Form staff will go through the enrolment process with you.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you into the school.
Year 13 Results Day - Thursday 14th Aug
A-level, and other Level 3 qualification results will be published on Thursday 14th August.
School will open at 8.30 a.m. for results to be collected.
For those hoping to attend university, UCAS will start updating results from 8.15 a.m. which will tell you if you have got into your firm or insurance choice. Members of staff will be in school to offer support and guidance if needed.
Please enter by main reception between 8.30 and 11.30 a.m. and collect your results from Hall 1.
If parents / carers wish to contact school, phones will be monitored between 8.30 a.m. and 12 p.m. (0115 938 7000).
We fully appreciate what a stressful time the results period can be, but also know from experience that the vast majority of students have cause for satisfaction and celebration on results day.
For more information on exams at the Kimberley School please email