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Food Preparation & Nutrition




This subject page is currently being reviewed and updated. Please use the following links for subject curriculum pdfs:

Keystage 3

Keystage 4

Sixth Form Courses


Subject Performance Leader

Key Skills & Understanding:

culinary essentials · hygiene · presentation ·time management · scientific terminology · teamwork · communication · health & safety

let's take a look... 


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study

Safety and
basic skills

Safety, hygiene and food spoilage, Eat Well guide Healthy eating guidelines. Dietary fibre.
Seasons and organic methods. Function of ingredients.
Equipment and following recipes. Weighing and measuring.
Knife skills, basic food preparation techniques.

Identification of kitchen equipment.
Application of food hygiene.
Extended writing on dietary guidelines.

Helping them to access and complete homework.
Overseeing accurate weighing and measuring whilst encouraging independence.
Practice similar dishes at home to ones cooked at school.

Food & Nutrition

Y7 | Key Stage 3

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Food Preparation & Nutrition


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Healthy Eating

Eat well guide in detail.
Balanced diets.    Carbohydrates and fats. Protein.
Vitamins and minerals.
Staple foods & cereals
Special dietary needs
Scientific changes in food and uses of eggs
Further development of practical skills and use of electrical equipment.

Application of nutrients.

Helping them to access and complete homework.
Overseeing accurate weighing and measuring whilst encouraging independence.
Practice similar dishes at home to ones cooked at school.


Research, plan and make a pasta dish and use charts and star profiles to evaluate.
30 minute written exam.

Research pasta and recipes. Revision

Support in sourcing appropriate recipes. Taste testing.
Support with revision

Y8 | Key Stage 3

Food Preparation & Nutrition


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study


Y9 | Key Stage 3

Food Preparation & Nutrition

Meal planning

Nutrition through life stages Lifestyle & food   choice
Food production, provenance, processing & preservation: Organic, Fairtrade, Free range and intensive farming.
Dairy foods
Meat and alternatives

Multicultural dishes and impact of religion on food choice. Application of knowledge to cooking methods and choice of ingredients.

Helping them to carry out homework.Supporting them to weigh and measure ingredients accurately.Practise similar dishes at home to ones cooked at school


Design and make and justify a main course dish for a chosen Life stage or Lifestyle
Use software to analyse nutritional content of the dish in relation to user needs.
30 minute written exam.

Recipe Research and Revision.



Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study

Principles of Food Preparation and Nutrition

Food Commodities:
Fruit and vegetables, Cereals and staples. Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, Dairy, fats, oils and sugars. Peas,beans, lentils, nuts.

Research tasks.
Exam questions to find out and apply knowledge & understanding to support the exam.
Independent preparation for ingredients ready to produce dishes in class.

Support with accessing and completing.
Providing ingredients.
Supporting students to weigh out and prepare ingredients.
Informing school in advance if a student is unable to take part in a practical.

Non-Examined Assessment (NEA)1

Internally Assessed. Food Investigation - practical and experimental work investigating. function & application of ingredients. A mock is completed in year 10 Accounts for 15% of the GCSE.

Research and taste testing.
Drawing conclusions about food science investigations.


Non-Examined Assessment (NEA)2

Internally assessed Food Preparation Assessment. A practical exam and portfolio of work ( theme to be set by exam board in advance). A mock is completed in year 10 with the production od 2 dishes in 2 hours. Accounts for 35 % of GCSE.

Research and taste testing.
Evaluation of dishes cooked.


Year 10 exam.

May/June 1hr 45min, 100 marks.
Accounts for 50% of the GCSE.


Support with revision

Food Preparation & Nutrition

Y10 | Key Stage 4


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study

Non- Examined Assessment (NEA)1

Internally Assessed. Food Investigation - practical and experimental work investigating. function & application of ingredients. Topic changes each year and is released by exam board in September Accounts for 15% of the GCSE.
Revision for mock exam in December

Research, taste tests and evaluations

Support with accessing and completing.Providing ingredients. Supporting students to weigh out and prepare ingredients.Informing school in advance if a student is unable to take part in a practical.

Non- Examined Assessment (NEA)2

Internally assessed Food Preparation Assessment
Cook 3 dishes plus accompaniments in 3 hours and produce written work to support this. Theme set by exam board in November.
Accounts for 35 % of GCSE.

Research tests and evaluations

Support with revision

Food Preparation & Nutrition

Y11 | Key Stage 4


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study


Food Science & Nutrition at KS5

This Level 3 Certificate enables you to learn about food and nutrition in practical, hands  on way. 
It is worth the same UCAS points as an A-Level subject. 

Who is it for?

o Anyone with an interest in food!
o Students wanting to study an ever-developing subject which provides relevant and useful knowledge and skills.
o Students who have studied Food have gone on to study Science, Media and Social Work at University, as well as degrees in Food Education, Nutrition, Sport, Health promotion, Environmental Health and the medical profession.
o Students wanting to work with food but not wanting Higher Education. e.g. catering.


What will i study?

This course focuses on areas important to food including:
Development of practical skills to produce high quality dishes.
Nutrition and good health.
Current consumer food trends.
Food science.
Essential Food Hygiene

Course Content:

Unit 1: 

Unit 1: Meeting Nutritional Needs.
This unit covers the theory of nutritional needs of groups in society and the practical application of producing dishes to meet these needs.
This Unit is 50% examination (90 minute exam) and 50% internally assessed, including a written document and a 3½ hour practical 

Unit 2:  

Either Unit 3 (90 hours)
Experimenting to solve food production problems
This Unit consists of experimental work and a written report. It is completed in school but sent away for external moderation.
OR Unit 4 (90 hours)
Current issues in Food Science and Nutrition
This Unit is a student led project, looking at a current food issue. It includes a portfolio and practical investigation which is carried out in school, but submitted for external moderation.

Y12/13 Guide to Independent Learning

Food Science at KS5

After each lesson you should:
  • Review your lesson notes and highlight anything that you do not understand so that you can ask about this in the next lesson

  • Glue in and label any handouts from the lesson

  • Check that the linguistic or literary terms used in the lesson (or used on any handout) are added to your glossary book.

Each fortnight you should:
  • Each fortnight you should:

  • Complete further background reading on the texts you are studying in class. This might include using YouTube or Google or a podcast to learn more about the scenes / chapters / poems you read in class.

  • Be proactive when completing your background reading - add any extra or interesting information to your notes

  • Below are some particularly useful sites for elements of the course Website: Find a ‘walk through’ of the different exams. Interactive quiz on terms. Great for plot summaries and character analysis of the texts we study terminology-6718949
    Great for checking that your terms are correct.

At least once per half-term you should:
  • Carry out a book/ folder cleanse. Ensure work is in a sensible order (chronological or by theme) and that sections are clearly divided ( e.g. different teachers / different topics / assessments v class work)

  • Identify any missing work and take steps to fill gaps – liaise with a trusted study partner or your teacher

  • Review the work you have done over the half-term and make some active revision resources. Examples may include glossaries, mindmaps, flash cards, flow diagrams, quizzes, mood boards, drawings for understanding … be creative! It might be a good idea to produce quotation reminders /revision resources

Throughout the year you should:
  • Complete past paper questions with mark schemes from the Eduqas website. You should work through these questions to test your knowledge and critically assess your work using the mark schemes. This will be most useful in the run up to your mock exams and Summer exams. Keep up with your own personal reading. An English student should be reading a wide variety of texts, improving your knowledge and understanding of genres and the writer’s craft.

Where can this subject take me?

*Updates Pending*

Students of may wish to progress to a number of related courses that offer such specializations as:



Further Education or vocation based training would significantly help towards freelance practices or careers in:

Travel writer/blogger
Copy Manager

For more information of post-school progression please check out our dedicated Careers Page for related links and guidance.

For more information on this course throughout all key stages please contact Mrs S. Norbury
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