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Health & Social Care



Subject Performance Leader


The Cambridge National in Health and Social Care replaced the GCSE and is a vocational course which prepares learners for a wide variety of careers within the Health and Social Care Industries. It contains 4 components, one exam worth 25% which is sat in year 10, giving the learners an opportunity to resit if needed in year 11, and three coursework units all worth 25% each.

Key Skills & Understanding:

good practice · problem solving · communication · cultural awareness · empathy · resilience  · care-based protocols of faith · applicable social politics

let's take a look... 
RO21 – Essential Values of Care for use with individuals in care settings.

LO1 Understand how to support individuals to maintain their rights.

LO2 Understand the importance of the values of care and how they are applied.

LO3 Understand how legislation impacts on care settings

LO4 Understand how personal hygiene, safety and security measures protect individuals

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RO22 – Communicating and working with individuals in health, social care and early years settings.

LO1 Understand how to communicate effectively

LO2 Understand the personal qualities that contribute to effective care

LO3 Be able to communicate effectively within health, social care and early years setting.

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Health & Social Care

Y10 | Key Stage 4


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study

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RO23 – Understanding body systems and disorders

LO1 Know how body systems work

 LO2 Understand disorders that affect body systems

LO3 Be able to interpret data obtained from measuring body rates with reference to the functioning of healthy body systems

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RO31 – Using basic first aid procedures

LO1 – Be able to assess scenes of accidents to identify risks and continuing dangers

LO2 Understand the first aid procedures for a range of injuries

LO3 Be able to apply basic first aid procedures.

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Health & Social Care

Y11 | Key Stage 4


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study


Health & Social Care


Technical Award


What is Advanced Health & Social Care?

Health and Social Care is a vocational course designed to prepare students for life after school, equipping them with real skills that may lead to Higher Education or take them directly into the workplace and/or further training. This course will prepare students for a range of careers, not just those in health or social care.

Who is it for?


What will i study?

Any student committed to hard work in a variety of different situations applying a wide range of skills, can achieve this valued qualification, you need not have studied Health and Social Care at GCSE level.

•    Over the 2 year course there are 360 LEARNING HOURS (A – Level equivalent)

•    3 units are examined.

•    There is 1 piece of mandatory coursework – Building positive relationships in H and S Care settings.

•    There are 2 more coursework elements – these can be selected from a list on offer. These can be done in any order at the centres decision.
•    This course leads to possible careers or further study in a range of  care settings – nursery, crèche, school, care homes, respite care and hospitals

Course Content:

Unit 1:  Positive relations in Health & Social Care

Year 12 (Certificate)

Students study the care offered in a range of settings, all of which could lead to potential opportunities for a career – babies, young children, individuals with physical or mental health disabilities as well as the elderly.

This unit is internally assessed.

Unit 3: Health, Safety and Security in Care Settings

Year 12 (Certificate)

This unit covers Health and Safety legislation and good practice.

This unit is examined

Unit 5: Portfolio Options

Year 13 (Diploma)

For the final Unit, students complete a portfolio which equates to 90 hours leaning.
It is internally assessed and the options are:

    • Infection control

    • Supporting people with learning disabilities

    • Nutrition for health

    • Sexual health, reproduction and early development stages

    • The impact of long-term physiological conditions

    • Supporting people with dementia

    • Supporting people with mental health conditions

    • Sociology for health and social care

    • Psychology for health and social care

This unit is selected from a list of options. It is Internally Assessed.

Unit 2: Equality, Diversity and Rights.

Year 12 (Certificate)

This unit is examined.
This incorporates the provision of quality care and ensuring legislation is understood in all care settings.

This unit is examined

Unit 4: Anatomy and Physiology

Year 13 (Diploma)

This unit looks at body functions, illness and well-being.

This unit is examined

Y12/13 Guide to Independent Learning

Health & Social Care Diploma

After each lesson you should:
  • Review your lesson notes and highlight anything that you do not understand so that you can ask about this in the next lesson

  • Glue in and label any handouts from the lesson

  • Check that the linguistic or literary terms used in the lesson (or used on any handout) are added to your glossary book.

Each fortnight you should:
  • Each fortnight you should:

  • Complete further background reading on the texts you are studying in class. This might include using YouTube or Google or a podcast to learn more about the scenes / chapters / poems you read in class.

  • Be proactive when completing your background reading - add any extra or interesting information to your notes

  • Below are some particularly useful sites for elements of the course Website: Find a ‘walk through’ of the different exams. Interactive quiz on terms. Great for plot summaries and character analysis of the texts we study terminology-6718949
    Great for checking that your terms are correct.

At least once per half-term you should:
  • Carry out a book/ folder cleanse. Ensure work is in a sensible order (chronological or by theme) and that sections are clearly divided ( e.g. different teachers / different topics / assessments v class work)

  • Identify any missing work and take steps to fill gaps – liaise with a trusted study partner or your teacher

  • Review the work you have done over the half-term and make some active revision resources. Examples may include glossaries, mindmaps, flash cards, flow diagrams, quizzes, mood boards, drawings for understanding … be creative! It might be a good idea to produce quotation reminders /revision resources

Throughout the year you should:
  • Complete past paper questions with mark schemes from the Eduqas website. You should work through these questions to test your knowledge and critically assess your work using the mark schemes. This will be most useful in the run up to your mock exams and Summer exams. Keep up with your own personal reading. An English student should be reading a wide variety of texts, improving your knowledge and understanding of genres and the writer’s craft.

Where can this subject take me?

*Updates Pending*

Students of may wish to progress to a number of related courses that offer such specializations as:

Social Sciences
Midwifery & Childcare


Further Education or vocation based training would significantly help towards freelance practices or careers in:

Social Services
Family Support
Youth Programs & Support


For more information of post-school progression please check out our dedicated Careers Page for related links and guidance.

For more information on this course throughout all key stages please contact Mrs L. Rowe
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