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IT / Computing




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Subject Performance Leader

Key Skills & Understanding:

data analysis · inference & interpretation · logical thinking · problem solving · knowledge & retention

let's take a look... 



Options Booklet
Revision Guides
Exam information
Extra Curricular & Trips


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IT in Every Day Life

Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

SMART Technologies,

Internet of Everything (IoE)

Design Tools 
Cyber Security, Digital Communications, Data and Testing  

Students will use their learning in practical, real-life situations, such as: • using different applications and tools to design, create and evaluate IT solutions and products • creating a data manipulation solution • creating an Augmented Reality prototype. This will help you to develop independence and confidence in using skills that would be relevant to the IT sector. The qualification will also help you to develop learning and skills that can be used in other life and work situations, such as: • Planning and designing IT solutions and products for a given purpose • Selecting the best tools and techniques to solve a problem • Solving problems by exploring different software application tools and techniques • Creating IT solutions and digital products • Use of planning techniques to complete tasks in an organised and timely way • Finding imaginative ways to solve IT problems R050: IT in the digital world This is assessed by taking an exam. In this unit you will learn about design and testing concepts for creating an IT solution or product, and the uses of IT in the digital world. Topics include: • Design Tools • Human Computer Interface (HCI) in everyday life • Data and testing • Cyber-security and legislation o Digital Communications • Internet of Everything (IoE).

(All modules) Students will be given regular homework consisting of exam questions and homework related to the topic area. At key points your child will complete end of topic assessments.

As a department we encourage parents/carers to support learning in a number of ways.


Organisation: encourage your child to check that they have all the equipment they need in their school bag the night before; look at completed work; encourage your child to plan their work; encourage your child to read around the topic; show an interest in the work your child is completing and talk to them about it.


Revision: encourage active revision using the educa8 virtual learning environment set up by the department. Access and use past papers and mark schemes (these will be provided); design posters of key information and talk through ideas that your son/daughter finds difficult.


Y10 | Key Stage 4


Class Content

Assisted Study


Independent Study


Y11 | Key Stage 4


Class Content

Assisted Study

Independent Study

R060 – Data Manipulation using Spreadsheets 

This assessment focuses on how effectively learners use their skills when developing a technological solution(s). R060 - Spreadsheet applications are commonly used to create input, processing and output solutions which manipulate data. In this unit students will learn the skills to be able to plan and design a spreadsheet solution to meet client requirements. They will be able to use a range of tools and techniques to create a spreadsheet solution based on your design, which you will test. They will be able to evaluate their solution based on the user requirements. 

(All modules) Students will be given regular homework consisting of exam questions and homework related to the topic area. At key points your child will complete end of topic assessments. 

As a faculty we encourage parents/carers to support learning in a number of ways. (All modules) Students will be given regular homework consisting of exam questions and homework related to the topic area. At key points your child will complete end of topic assessments.


Organisation: encourage your child to check that they have all the equipment they need in their school bag the night before; look at completed work; encourage your child to plan their work; encourage your child to read around the topic; show an interest in the work your child is completing and talk to them about it.

R070 – Using Augmented Reality (AR) to Present Information

R070 - In this unit students will learn the basics of Augmented Reality (AR) and the creation of a model prototype product to showcase how it can be used appropriately for a defined target audience to present information. They will also learn the purpose, use and types of AR in different contexts and how they are used on different digital devices. Students will develop the skills to be able to design and create an AR model prototype, using a range of tools and techniques. They will also be able to test and review their AR model prototype. 


Revision: encourage active revision using the educa8 virtual learning environment set up by the department. Access and use past papers and mark schemes (these will be provided); design posters of key information and talk through ideas that your son/daughter finds difficult. Purchase a subject revision guide, attend P6 support sessions. 





Options Booklet
Revision Guides
Exam information
Extra Curricular & Trips

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Unit 1

updates pending



Y10 | Key Stage 4


Class Content

Assisted Study



Y11 | Key Stage 4


Class Content

Assisted Study

Unit 1

updates pending




Cambridge Technical L3


Step Up to Sixth Form
Revision Guides
Exam information
Extra Curricular & Trips

Introductory Diploma in I.T.

What is the Introductory Diploma in IT? 

 The Cambridge Technical Introductory Diploma is a vocational qualification.  Students study two units in Year 12 and three in Year 13 to get the full  qualification.


Cambridge Technical qualification offers learners the opportunity to: 

Prepare for further learning or training.

Develop essential knowledge, transferable skills and personal skills in a subject area that interests them with the aim of enhancing their employability.

Move into different areas of employment. Develop their knowledge and skills as part of their Continual Professional Development (CPD). o Achieve a nationally recognised vocational qualification.

Year 12 students will study the following units:

Fundamentals of IT – this involves the fundamentals of hardware, o networks, software, the ethical use of computers and how businesses o use IT. o Social media and digital marketing – students will look at digital marketing as a concept and look at the impacts of the use of social media as a digital marketing tool

Year 13 students will study the following units:

o Global Information – how organisations use information internally and externally and the types of information that you will encounter Internet of Everything – students will learn about the Internet of o Everything and how it is used o Data analysis and design – students will learn how to use data analysis techniques to provide evidence and interpretation for decision making for a range of organisational needs.

Course Content:

Unit 1

updates pending

Assessment: tbc

Y12/13 Guide to Independent Learning

IT at KS5

After each lesson you should:
  • Review your lesson notes and highlight anything that you do not understand so that you can ask about this in the next lesson • Locate and read the relevant material in the IT revision guide or Educa8 Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and add anything extra or interesting to your notes • Complete any outstanding or revision questions or tasks as instructed

Each week you should:
  • Review the work you have done over the week and make some active revision resources. Examples may include exam revision/flash cards, mindmaps, very important notes (vins) flow diagrams, socrative IT (Unit specific) quizzes, mood boards, drawings for understanding … be creative and personal to your preferred revision style.

  • Be proactive when using revision sites - locate the pages relevant to the material that you have been covering in lessons. Add any extra or interesting information to your notes

  • Below are some particularly useful sites for elements of the course Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4 and Unit 18 Past papers, mark schemes and additional resources

At least once per half-term you should:
  • Ensure your revision notes and/or coursework is in a sensible order (chronological or by theme) and that sections are clearly divided ( e.g. different teachers / different topics / assessments v class work) • Identify any gaps or missing work and take steps to fill gaps – liaise with a trusted study partner or your teacher

Throughout the year you should:
  • Complete past paper questions with mark schemes from the OCR website: (Cambridge Technicals in IT Level 3)

    You should work through exam questions and/or complete the socrative assessment to test your knowledge and critically assess your work using the mark schemes. This should be done every two/three weeks

Where can this subject take me?

*Updates Pending*

Higher Education courses or careers that list ICT or equivalent as essential or highly desirable include:

Software Engineering


Further Education or vocation based training would significantly help towards freelance practices or careers in:

update pending

For more information of post-school progression please check out our dedicated Careers Page for related links and guidance.

For more information on this course throughout all key stages please contact Mrs M. Booth
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