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Term Dates

Key Dates   


3rd  -  Return to School

3rd  -  Year 7-10 Literacy Tests (until 14th)

20th  -  Year 12 Mock Exams (until 26th) 

27th  -  Year 10 Exams (until July 10th)


1st & 2nd - Sixth Form Induction Days

1st  -  Year 12 Work Experience week (until 5th)

8th  -  Inset Day

9th & 10th  -  Year 12 Geography Field Trip

11th, 12th & 15th -  Year 10 Geography Field Trip

11th  -  Year 6 Induction Day 1 + Evening Option

12th  -  Year 6 Induction Day 2

15th  -  Normandy Trip (until 19th)

16th  -  Year 7 Rewards Trip

17th  -  Year 8 Rewards Trip

18th  -  Year 9 Rewards Trip

18th  -  School Concert

18th  -  Berlin Trip (until 25th)

19th  -  Year 10 Rewards Trip

22nd  -  Sports Day (24th reserve day)

26th  -  School closes at 12:30 pm for the Summer Half Term


15th  -  A-Level Results Day

22nd  -  GCSE Results

26th   -  Bank Holiday


2nd  -  INSET Day

3rd   -  INSET Day


21st  -  Half Term Break (until 1st November)



20th  -  School Closes at 12:30pm for Holidays

January 2025

6th  -  School Reopens


17th  -  Half Term Break (until 21st)


7th  -  Easter Holidays (until 21st)


5th  -  Bank Holiday

26th  -  Half Term Break (until 30th)


28th  -  INSET Day

29th  -  INSET Day

30th  -  Summer Holidays begin


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The Click CEOP Image

0115 938 7000

The Kimberley School Image

The Kimberley School

We Respect. We are Proud. We Succeed

Newdigate St | Kimberley | Nottinghamshire | NG16 2NJ

Image of The Ofsted Good in colour
Image of The East Midlands Educational Trust
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