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Thursday 21st September - Open Evening 

Parents and Carers of Year 5 and 6 students are invited to attend The Kimberley School Open Evening  

on Thursday 21st September.  The evening will start at 4:30 pm and will run until 7:30 pm.   

During the evening you will have the opportunity to have a look around school and meet our fantastic

students and teachers.  There will also be a presentation from myself and other Senior Leaders in the

main school hall.  I do hope you and your child are able to attend.


  • Visitors should report to the main reception at any time from 4:30pm where you will be welcomed by staff and students.

  • You will be given a map of the school so that you can visit all areas – student guides will be available around school to help you if you get lost and to answer any questions you have about the school.

  • Our Open Evenings are very popular and, as such, in order to accommodate everyone the presentation will run twice during the evening.  In order to help with the smooth running of the evening it would be helpful if you could attend the presentation as set out below:


  • 5:30 pm.  Families from Horsendale Primary, Mornington Primary, Larkfields Juniors and any Nottingham City Primary Schools


  • 6:15 pm.  Families from Kimberley Primary, Holywell Primary, Gilthill Primary, Awsworth Primary, and any other Nottinghamshire County Primary Schools.


Please do be aware that parking on the school site is limited. 

**We would advise parents and carers who need to drive to park elsewhere in Kimberley and walk to the school site if this is at all possible.**

28th and 29th September - Open Mornings

If you are unable to attend on the 21st September or would like to see the school in action, then you are also invited to our Open Mornings on Thursday 28th September and Friday 29th September.  You will be escorted by students who will take you on a 40-minute tour of the school to see for yourself the quality of the learning experience at The Kimberley School. This will provide you with an insight into how the school operates and the standard of the teaching and learning that takes place on a daily basis.



Why should you consider sending your child to Kimberley School?

There has never been a better time to join the Kimberley School.  We believe it is the right of every student to be able to do their best and nobody has the right to interfere with their learning. This is why there is a calm, work focused atmosphere around the school.  Learning is at the very core of what we do and we want all students to enjoy it. Students follow The Kimberley Way which sets out the role that we expect all students to play in creating an atmosphere where everyone can be safe, happy and successful at the Kimberley School.

Prior to the pandemic Kimberley School was the highest performing school in the area and one of the highest in Nottinghamshire.  In 2022 students in Year 11 and Year 13 exceeded all of our expectations and achieved the best set of results the school has ever achieved. In 2023, despite the return to normal grade distributions, the school has once again achieved very pleasing results above national averages.  The Department for Education will publish more details on school performance in 2023 later in this term, in the mean time you can see a summary of this year’s exam results data on our website.

However, there is more to life than exam results. At Kimberley we also prioritise work on developing the wider attributes that young people need for a successful adult life.  Students have access to a wide ranging number of opportunities to participate in outside of the classroom. These include extensive sporting and performance opportunities, as well as a comprehensive Duke of Edinburgh programme. There are ample opportunities for students to develop leadership skills and many, many trips and residential activities that run throughout the year. 


So, if you are looking for a school that gets the right balance between achieving superb exam results and developing the wider attributes that young people need for a successful and happy adult life, then Kimberley is the school for you.  If you would like to learn more about Kimberley I do hope you are able to join us for our Open Evening on the 21st September. 


Please do visit our website where you can find out more about our great school. I am looking forward to meeting you all on the 21st September.

Open Evening 2021
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Information about our school that you can find on our website:


Please do explore our website which provides a wealth of information that will help you find out more about our great school.  In particular, you may find these links useful:

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0115 938 7000

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The Kimberley School

We Respect. We are Proud. We Succeed

Newdigate St | Kimberley | Nottinghamshire | NG16 2NJ

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