Physical Education & Sport

Subject Performance Leader
In addition to P.E. as a core subject, we are now offering a Sport BTEC (level 1/2) at Key stage 4 as well as Sport & Physical Fitness (Cambridge Technical at Level 3) and A level P.E.
Key Skills & Understanding:
Coordination · Strategizing · Communication · Teamwork · Leadership/Designation · Discipline · Focus ·
let's take a look...
Class Content
Parent/Carer Support
Games (e.g football, netball, rugby)
Health Related Exercise (HRE)
Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
Within each module students will be expected to:
Acquire and developing skills.
Make and apply decisions.
Develop a physical and mental capacity.
Evaluate and improve performance and understanding.
Make informed choices about active, healthy lifestyles
Your child must bring their school PE kit to every lesson.
If they cannot actively participate due to injury or illness they are still required to bring their kit and they require a note from a parent/guardian explaining the reason. Notes will not be accepted via text message on the student’s phone. They require kit as they may be asked where appropriate to participate passively in the lesson (e.g. coaching or analysis of another student’s performance work, etc).
We will not expect those students who will cause themselves further injury to get changed.
Notes for students with ‘colds’, ‘periods’ and ‘hay fever’ will not be accepted without a doctor’s note and the PE teacher will expect them to take part in lesson.
Hair must be tied back and nails must be an appropriate length to participate in all physical activities.
Practice skills with them at home.
Encourage them to participate in extra-curricular clubs/teams.
Encourage them to lead a healthy active lifestyle by getting them involved in physical activity outside of school and advising them on what foods/drinks are good/bad for them.
If you get the opportunity, take them to watch elite level sport and give them an opportunity to watch a role model, and to inspire them to be like them.
P.E. (Core)
Y7-11 | Key Stages 3&4


Unit 1
Fitness & Body Systems 1, Physical
Regular homework will be set to assess students’ level of topic understanding.
Monitor your child’s active lifestyle in sport. Students taking GCSE should have a keen interest in a range of sports.
Unit 2
Health & Performance 1, Health, Fitness & Well-Being
It is absolutely crucial that students learn key topic words throughout the course. This is sometimes tested in class but students must have the self-discipline to learn vocabulary themselves. Test your child on their knowledge of these key terms.
Unit 2
Fitness & Body Systems 2, Applied Anatomy & Physiology.
Controlled assessment (practical sports): students will compete in various sporting activities throughout the course as a performer. The best three sporting activities will be submitted. Students who participate in sports outside of school that we do not have the facilities to cater for can still be assessed through video. Parents/carers can support by recording this. Please check with your PE teacher for further details
Y10 | Key Stage 4
Class Content
Independent Study
Assisted Study
Unit 1
Health & Performance 2, Socio-Cultural Influence
Regular homework will be set
throughout years 10 & 11 to
assess students’ level of topic
Continue support as advised above for Year 10.
Unit 2
Fitness & Body Systems 3, Movement Analysis.
Unit 2
Health & Performance 3, Sports
Y11 | Key Stage 4
Class Content
Independent Study
Assisted Study
Study Guides, Resources
GCSE Revision Guide in PE - £8
Various booklets made in school from online resources
Additional Support Classes (lunchtimes & after school)
(Speak to any member of the P.E. faculty to access any of the above)
Further Support
Encourage your son’s or daughter’s interest in all aspects of sport, through performing, watching and reading about it.
Support them, if possible, in taking part in extra-curricular clubs.
Ask your child to teach you some aspects of the PE course they are learning – this will help them enormously.
Encourage them to work together with other students from their class, joint revision sessions, helping each other learn controlled assessment material etc

BTEC Tech Award
Options Booklet
Revision Guides
Exam information
Extra Curricular & Trips

Unit 1
updates pending
updates pending
updates pending
Unit 2
updates pending
updates pending
Sport - Level 1/2
Y10 | Key Stage 4
Class Content
Independent Study
Assisted Study
Sport - Level 1/2
Y11 | Key Stage 4
Class Content
Independent Study
Assisted Study
Unit 1
updates pending
updates pending
updates pending

Cambridge Technical Level 3

What is ‘Cambridge Technicals’?
Cambridge Technicals are vocational qualifications that are designed to give you a work-focused alternative to A Levels. They’ve been designed to give you opportunities to demonstrate and develop the practical application of knowledge and understanding in the areas of work that appeal to you. This will enable you to develop your research skills as you work, both independently and with colleagues, to progress through your qualifications.
Why choose this course?
If you prefer to learn in a way that’s practical and work-related, then Cambridge Technicals are ideal. The great thing about them is that they keep your options open – so if you’re not fully convinced that a vocational way of learning is right for you, Cambridge Technicals keep the door open for a move to higher education further d own the line.
What progression opportunities does it provide?
The great thing about them is that they still give you a choice of opportunities once you’ve completed them. The three choices open to you are: Employment, where you can put your new practical skills towards generating an income Further education, such as a higher-level qualification at school or college Higher education, such as a degree course at university. Access to higher education is possible if you take the Level 3 qualifications because they have UCAS points.
On Your Marks...
Course Content/Assessment:
In the first year you’ll study 3 mandatory units. These units include Body systems and the effects of physical activity, Sports organisations and development and Physical activity for specific groups. Units will be taught in the classroom and practically outside/in the gym. In the second year of the course the students will study 3 units more units.
These possible units include: Sports Nutrition, Practical Sport, Sport as a Business, Sports Leadership and Sports Injuries to name just a few. Time will also be given in the second year to make adjustments to the assignments from the 1st year if needed to obtain the maximum grade possible.
This course is 66% written/practical assessment (coursework) and 34% through examinations.
Can't wait to get started?
Your Parents, PE Teacher and 6th Form Adviser will be the best people to talk to confirm whether PE is the right choice for you. They will be as passionate as you to find the best subject to develop your talents!

Y12/13 Guide to Independent Learning
PE & Sports Studies at KS5
After each lesson you should:
Review your lesson notes and complete any outstanding tasks, coursework or exam questions. If there is anything you do not understand:
Use your text book to gain further explanations.
Look through your notes and using post-its, add questions to your work and present them to your teacher next lesson
If you are still unsure, you should speak to your teacher for a basic understanding before the next lesson.
For each topic you should independently:
Complete any Essential Richer Reading given
Create flash cards and a mind map for revision to help with Unit 1 (yr12) and Unit 3 (yr13)
Formulate a keywords sheet that fundamentally helps with ‘knowledge’ revision
Complete all tasks within NEA coursework by given deadlines, this is for unit 2 (yr12 – Sports Leadership), unit 5 (yr12 – Sports Analysis) and unit 18 (yr13 – Sports Psychology)
Throughout the year you should:
Complete past paper questions with mark schemes from the OCR website: Cambridge Technicals - Sport and Physical Activity- OCR
If you miss any lessons, you must email Mrs Croft, Mr Corbett or Mr Sells for the work and catch up before the next lesson. l.croft@kimberleyschool.co.uk b.corbett@kimberleyschool.co.uk d.sells@kimberleyschool.co.uk
Online Resources:
This site provides information for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, sports science students and sports coaches on the many topics relating to athletic development, exercise physiology and successful coaching. Since its conception in 1997, the site now has over a thousand pages thanks to contributions from coaches and athletes around the world.
A look at grassroots sports in the UK and funding initiatives that keep Britain moving
A look at sports into elite sport in the UK and funding initiatives that drive gold medal chances
OCR Sports and Physical Activity
To see past papers and mark schemes, or even the specification

Make a Healthy Living...
Cambridge Technicals are vocational qualifications that are designed to give you a work-focused alternative to A Levels. They’ve been designed to give you opportunities to demonstrate and develop the practical application of knowledge and understanding in the areas of work that appeal to you. This will enable you to develop your research skills as you work, both independently and with colleagues, to progress through your qualifications.
The UK is Sports Mad!..
Every year more and more people take up sport. After what can only be said to be the golden period in British sporting history, we wish to inspire those to achieve what the likes of the British Olympians and Para-Olympians, Andy Murray (and the Great Britain Davis Cup Team) and the men’s and women’s England Rugby World Cup teams all achieved. Physical Education has never played such an important part in society. As somebody working in sports, you’ll be riding the crest of a wave
A Level PE Key Learning Topics
Subject Content:
Applied anatomy and physiology
Skill acquisition
Sport and society
Exercise physiology
Biomechanical movement
Sport psychology
Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport
On Your Marks...
Course Assessment:
The course assessment has 2 exams, each 2 hours in length, worth 35% of the final grade.
The first written paper covers
• Applied anatomy and physiology
• Skill acquisition
• Sport and society
The second paper covers: • Exercise physiology & Biomechanical movement • Sport psychology • Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport Practical assessment in one physical activity worth 30%.
Extra Curricular Requirements
You will need to be playing a sport at least at club level outside of school and training regularly. This is imperative at A Level to achieve strong marks for the Non-Examined Assessment.

Y12/13 Guide to Independent Learning
PE & Sports Studies at KS5
After each lesson you should:
Review your lesson notes and complete any outstanding tasks, coursework or exam questions. If there is anything you do not understand:
Use your text book to gain further explanations.
Look through your notes and using post-its, add questions to your work and present them to your teacher next lesson
If you are still unsure, you should speak to your teacher for a basic understanding before the next lesson.
For each topic you should independently:
Complete any Essential Richer Reading given
Create flash cards and a mind map for revision to help with Unit 1 (yr12) and Unit 3 (yr13)
Formulate a keywords sheet that fundamentally helps with ‘knowledge’ revision
Complete all tasks within NEA coursework by given deadlines, this is for unit 2 (yr12 – Sports Leadership), unit 5 (yr12 – Sports Analysis) and unit 18 (yr13 – Sports Psychology)
Throughout the year you should:
Complete past paper questions with mark schemes from the OCR website: Cambridge Technicals - Sport and Physical Activity- OCR
If you miss any lessons, you must email Mrs Croft, Mr Corbett or Mr Sells for the work and catch up before the next lesson. l.croft@kimberleyschool.co.uk b.corbett@kimberleyschool.co.uk d.sells@kimberleyschool.co.uk
Online Resources:
This site provides information for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, sports science students and sports coaches on the many topics relating to athletic development, exercise physiology and successful coaching. Since its conception in 1997, the site now has over a thousand pages thanks to contributions from coaches and athletes around the world.
A look at grassroots sports in the UK and funding initiatives that keep Britain moving
A look at sports into elite sport in the UK and funding initiatives that drive gold medal chances
OCR Sports and Physical Activity
To see past papers and mark schemes, or even the specification

Where can this course take me?
PE goes well with other subjects. If you want a career in physical education, you might also consider courses like Human Biology. But no matter what your career ambition, if you are passionate about sport, this course is great to take alongside other topics.
The subjects you learn about will be invaluable at a personal level and will help you to be better at sport, no matter what your standard. This A Level also opens a whole number of career options such as:
Sport Scientist
Researcher in Athletics
Professional Coach
Personal Trainer
or working for national governing body
For more information of post-school progression please check out our dedicated Careers Page for related links and guidance.

For more information on this course throughout all key stages please contact Mr D Sells