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Image by Pawel Czerwinski
Personal Development




Personal Development education gives pupils the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and to prepare themselves for life and work in modern Britain. Personal Development education helps pupils to achieve their academic potential, and leave school equipped with skills they will need throughout later life.

Personal Development includes a number of topics which are now compulsory for learners. Further details of Kimberley Schools policy on relationship and sex education a can be found here. ​

Subject Performance Leader

Key Skills & Understanding:

vocabulary · grammar · analysis & contextualising · inference & interpretation · source referencing · historical context · communication · explanation · knowledge & retention · critical thinking · cultural awareness 

let's take a look... 


Class Content

Assisted Study

Managing Change

Getting to know people, sleep and relaxation, Careers and your future, financial education, what is community, transition points in your life.

Talk to your child about the changes between primary and secondary school and discuss the other important factors that they will need to begin to consider as they approach adult life. 

Puberty and body development

Self-esteem, assertive consent, personal hygiene, FGM, how puberty effects boys, how puberty effects girls. 

Reassure your child that you are there to support them through puberty should they have questions. Check they have the products they may need. 

Politics, Parliament and me

Why is politics important, how is our country run, elections and campaigning, political debates, parliament, who is our PM.

Discuss your political beliefs with your child. 

Staying safe on and off-line

Avoiding gangs, staying safe online, online gaming, vaping, alcohol, smoking and energy drink/ caffeine. 

Discuss the dangers with your child.

Celebrating differences

Multicultural Britain, what is your identity, Nature vs Nurture, the equality act, breaking down stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination, challenging Islamophobia. 

Discuss ideas with your child. 

Friendship, respect and relationships. 

Consent and boundaries, respect and relationships, what makes a good friend, being positive, pressure and influence, managing friendships.

Discuss ideas on respectful relationships and friendships with your child. 

Personal Development

Y7 | Key Stage 3

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Personal Development


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LGBTQ+ explored Proud to be me

What is LGBT? Homophobia and society, supporting those who are LGBT, challenging homophobia, transphobia, coming out. 

Be aware we are discussing sensitive issues. 

Law, Crime and Society

Employability skills, careers interests and jobs, labour market information, self esteem and the media.

Discuss job ideas and talk to talk about your child's plans and ideas for the future. 

Identity, relationships and sex. 

Building a community, making decisions, criminals, law and society, law making in the UK, prisons, reform and punishments. 

Discuss ideas on the law and society.

Physical Health and Mental Well-Being 

Healthy relationships, dealing with conflict, sexual orientation, gender identity, what is love, periods and the menstrual cycle. 

Talk to your child about healthy and unhealthy relationships. 

Dangerous Society on and offline.

Health and well-being, mental health, positive body image, child abuse, types of bullying, healthy eating and cholesterol, stress management.
County lines – what is it?, who is at risk? Substance misuse, cyber bullying, online grooming, alcohol safety

Promote good health and discuss health with your child.
Discuss the dangers in modern society.

Y8 | Key Stage 3

Personal Development


Class Content

Assisted Study


Y9 | Key Stage 3

Personal Development

Managing Change

Conspiracy theories and extremist narratives, extremism, terrorism, radicalisation, counter terrorism, proud to be British, Anti-Semitism.

Discuss ideas with your child. Be aware we are discussing sensitive issues. 

Puberty and body development

Self esteem, HBT bullying,  dealing with grief and loss, media and air-brushing, cancer prevention and healthy lifestyle. 

Be aware we are discussing sensitive issues.

Politics, Parliament and me

Illegal drugs, party drugs, volatile substance abuse, drug classification, cannabis, different types of addiction. 

Discuss the dangers with your child

Staying safe on and off-line

From failure to success, first-aid,  what is anger, happiness, saving and managing money, employment and financial management, social media and online stress.

Discuss the other important factors that your child will need to begin to consider as they approach adult life. 

Celebrating differences

Sexual consent and the law, why have sex, FGM and the law, delaying sexual activity, relationships and partnerships, what are STI’s

Discuss ideas on respectful relationships and friendships with your child. Be aware we are discussing sensitive issues. 

Friendship, respect and relationships. 

Sexual harassment and stalking, HIV and AIDS, contraception, condoms, 

Discuss ideas on respectful relationships and friendships with your child.
Be aware we are discussing sensitive issues. 


Class Content

Assisted Study

pers dev

Personal Development


Options Booklet
Revision Guides
Exam information
Extra Curricular & Trips


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Personal Development

Y10 | Key Stage 4


Class Content

Assisted Study

Exploring World Issues

International organisations, Aid and supporting other countries, Fairtrade, Peace, War and conflict, women’s rights and equality, Me Too and Times Up movement’s. 

Discuss world issues with your child

Exploring British Values 

Critical thinking and fake news, what is a cult? Exploring Britishness and British values,  What are human rights? Exploring human rights. 

Discuss issues with your child.

Rights and Responsibilities

Instagram generation, Targeted advertising and your data, marriage what is it? Rights and responsibilities, consumer rights, employment rights, Exploring a pay check. 

Discuss issues with your child.

Warnings, Relationships and Sex Education. 

Campaigning against FGM, Sending inappropriate images, Pornography, domestic abuse and violence, relationships, sexual abuse and rape, sexualisation and the media. 

Be aware we are discussing sensitive issues.

Violence, Crimes and Seeking safety

Honour based violence, forced marriages, online gaming, social media validation, keeping data safe, modern day slavery, causes of knife crime. 

Be aware we are discussing sensitive issues.

Mental health and Well-being

Child abuse, screen time and safe use of mobiles, common types of mental health, self harm, suicidal thoughts and feelings, promoting emotional wellbeing. 

Be aware we are discussing sensitive issues.

Personal Development

Y11 | Key Stage 4


Class Content

Assisted Study

Your future and beyond

Time management, post 16 routes, exam stress and relaxation, insta life vs real life, CV writing, writing a personal statement. 

Discuss future plans with your child.

Staying Safe

Virtual reality and live streaming, drugs NPS, festivals, drugs and nitrous oxide, war on drugs, cosmetic surgery, substance addiction, online reputation & digital footprint. 

Be aware we are discussing sensitive issues.

Sexual Health

Peer on peer bullying, fertility and what impacts it, alcohol and bad choices, importance of sexual health, revisiting contraception, revisiting STIs, respect and relationships. 

Be aware we are discussing sensitive issues.

Adult heath and looking after yourself.

Organ and blood donation, teenage pregnancy, abortion laws, morals and ethics, testicular and prostate cancer, cervical, breast and ovarian cancer, parenthood, love and abuse. 

Be aware we are discussing sensitive issues.

pers dev

Personal Development



Step Up to Sixth Form
Revision Guides
Exam information
Extra Curricular & Trips

Personal Development at KS5

The topics covered in KS5 Personal Development are varied and change on a regular basis.
The content information below is designed to give you an idea of the breadth of our curriculum by
including the scheme of learning for the Autumn Term 2023. This is intended as a snapshot
to give a flavour of the support and guidance we give our young people

Course Content:

Year 12 Sessions: 
  • Drugs and Festivals – investigating the myths and truths of festival going to prepare students to have safe fun 

  • Feminism – what are the roots of modern feminism and what challenges does it face in the 21st century 

  • Tolerating intolerance – in the social media age, how can we learn to listen and respond constructively to those with different opinions own views of sex – what is a healthy attitude media and how do these depictions affect our

  • Sex and the media – how is sex used in the
    media and how do these depictions affect our
    own views of sex – what is a healthy attitude to sex?

  • Misogyny, women in danger – how can young people avoid being drawn in by online influencers pushing dangerous ideas about
    the role of women in society?

  • Prevent – how to spot the signs of grooming and radicalisation and what to do if you suspect this happening to yourself or others

  • Substance abuse – external speaker discussing the attractions and dangers of substance abuse

  • Children in Need – preparations for the school charity day events and activities

  • Remembrance – marking Armistice Sunday by thinking about sacrifices people make for each other

  • Relaxation – methods and strategies to aid rest and relaxation.

  • Coercive and controlling relationships – what are the signs of unhealthy relationships and what could be done about your own orsomeone else’s.

  • Critical Thinking Skills – learning to differentiate between reliable and unreliable sources of information in the media

  • Financial education – learn the difference between interest rates and inflation, credit cards and debit cards and much more.

Morning Mindset Meetings

In addition to Personal Development lessons in tutor groups, students and tutors also spend time, once per fortnight, with pairs of students discussing key learning skills and
academic progress. Below are examples of the kinds of topics covered during these sessions. These are based on the ‘VESPA’ VI Form mindset programme.

  • Twenty Questions - Asking key questions to help crystalise your ambitions for the future

  • The Change Curve - Recognising the changes in motivation are normal and that with commitment can be overcome.

  • 1-10 - Learning not to compare yourself to other students but to focus on your own achievements and areas for improvement.

  • SMART goals Setting goals for study and life which are achievable and will lead to sustainable success

  • Getting dreams done Learning to differentiate between realistic and unrealistic aspirations and putting in place strategies to start achieving.

  • Recognising your blockers - Being honest about our levels of application, identifying key obstacles to commitment and planning to overcome procrastination.

  • The power of ‘If…then…’ thinking - Acknowledging that academic setbacks will occur and planning mental strategies to overcome disappointment.

  • Inner storytelling - Listening to your inner voice and challenging negative messages you tell yourself.

  • The vampire test - Reflecting on the benefit of your friendships. Who are the friends who build you up, and which friends suck your energy?

  • Snack don’t binge - Developing wisdom in how you approach daunting tasks. Breaking large commitments down into manageable chunks.

Year 13 Sessions
  • Professional Applications – Considering the language and structure needed for professional applications and applying this to
    UCAS personal statements and curricula vitae.

  • Drugs Awareness – Raising awareness of national and local trends in drug usage and the harms caused to individuals and society.

  • Completing application forms – whether for university, apprenticeship or job applications, learning to sell yourself on paper is an important skill to develop.

  • Domestic Abuse – Understanding and recognising domestic abuse to help protect ourselves and others.

  • Apprenticeships & Employability – External speaker discussing the practicalities of applying for apprenticeships and jobs.

  • Breast Cancer Awareness – Using resources from the UK-leading charity to make sure we all know our boobs and the
    facts about breast cancer.

  • Digital Security & Scam – How can we recognise a cyber-attack and what are the best practices for keeping our digital
    information secure?

  • Children in Need – preparations for the school charity day events and activities.

  • Critical Thinking Skills – learning to differentiate between reliable and unreliable sources of information in the media.

  • Interview Skills – External speaker from University of Nottingham to deliver vital information about all types of professional

  • UCAS Ready? – A review of all the key points to remember when completing a UCAS application with the opportunity to work on
    all application types with tutors.

  • Eating Disorders – Dispelling some of the myths around eating disorders and raising awareness of how to find support.

  • Sex & Relationships – External speaker to run a complete review of all sexual health and relationship knowledge required by young

For more information on Modern Foreign Languages throughout all key stages please contact Mrs L. Machin
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