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Religious Education



Subject Performance Leader


Our Religious Studies course explores the different beliefs and practices of Judaism and Christianity as well as contemporary ethical themes. RS gives you the opportunity to study different cultures, establish your own views and enhance your critical thinking skills.

Key Skills & Understanding:

Critical Thinking · Research · Problem Solving · Working with Abstract Ideas  ·  Empathy · Ethical Reasoning · Cultural Awareness · Interpretation · media literacy

let's take a look... 


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study

1. Introduction to Religious Education

Why we study RE and its importance. Personal beliefs: Atheism, Agnosticism, Theism.

Exploring personal belief..

Share your views and beliefs. Encourage your child to give opinions with reasons and examples.

2. Judaism

Key Jewish beliefs. Covenants of Abraham and Moses. The Passover.  Movements in Judaism and interpretations of the Tanakh

Learning to revise, complete revision mat revision tasks.

Discussing the differences between traditional and liberal groups as well as literal and symbolic beliefs/ interpretation of scripture.

3. Christianity

Parables of Jesus Denominations and Biblical interpretations of miracles Holy week, Easter, Crucifixion, Resurrection.

Using revision mat to revise topics, create a timeline of holy week.

Explore different interpretations of the Bible and miracle accounts. Questioning why some believe miracles exist whilst others don't.

4. Islam

Addressing misconceptions. Prophets of Islam, Muhammad* and the Qur'an, The 5 pillars of Islam

Researching the 5 pillars.

Identifying similarities between Islam, Christianity, Judaism. Discussing whether the pillars are always obligatory

Religious Education

Y7 | Key Stage 3


Religious Education


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white diamond 50whitediamond.webp
1. Hinduism

Brahman and the Trimurti, worship at home and in the mandir, Karma, Reincarnation.

Researching a god/goddess of your choice.

Discussions comparing Abrahamic religions in Yr7 to Hinduism.

2. Ethical Dilemmas

Animal rights, animals in entertainment and animal testing, religious views on the treatment of animals. War, pacifism, religious views just war. Poverty, addressing poverty, religious views on poverty.

Interviewing people for their views on war, Writing personal opinions on animal testing.

Looking at different points of view, why people disagree with you and how you could respond.

3. Buddhism

Life of the Buddha, suffering, 4 noble truths, the middle way.

Create leaflet/poster to explain the 4 noble truths and sights.

Compare Buddhism and Hinduism:

similarities and differences.

4. Religion and

Local, National and Global beliefs, studying the census.

Creating a graph to reflect
data of religions and nonreligious

Discussions about multiculturalism,
theism and atheism.

Y8 | Key Stage 3

Religious Education


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study


Y9 | Key Stage 3

Religious Education

1. Humanism

The study of humanism as a nonreligion, atheism and agnosticism, arguments for and against the existence of God, the problem of evil, human rights.

Researching what human rights are and why they are important.

Exploring different reasons for not believing in God, encouraging students to justify their individual beliefs.

2. Ethical Questions

Abortion: religious and secular views Euthanasia: religious and secular views.

Formulating arguments for and against ethical questions.

Awareness of child studying a sensitive topic and discuss.

3. Ideal World

Religious and secular views on: LGBTQ+, Sexism, Media, Environment, Poverty. Terrorism: religious and secular views.

Researching an issue of interest and prepare presenting to class.

Helping with research and presentation.


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study

RO21 – Essential Values of Care for use with individuals in care settings.

LO1 Understand how to support individuals to maintain their rights.

LO2 Understand the importance of the values of care and how they are applied.

LO3 Understand how legislation impacts on care settings

LO4 Understand how personal hygiene, safety and security measures protect individuals

RO23 – Understanding body systems and disorders

LO1 Know how body systems work.

LO2 Understand disorders that affect body systems.

LO3 Be able to interpret data obtained from measuring body rates with reference to the functioning of healthy body systems.

Religious Education

Y10 | Key Stage 4


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study

RO22 – Communicating and working with individuals in health, social care and early years settings

LO1 Understand how to communicate effectively.

LO2 Understand the personal qualities that contribute to effective care.

LO3 Be able to communicate effectively within health, social care and early years setting.

RO31 – Using basic first aid procedures

LO1 – Be able to assess scenes of accidents to identify risks and continuing dangers.

LO2 Understand the first aid procedures for a range of injuries.

LO3 Be able to apply basic first aid procedures.

Religious Education

Y11 | Key Stage 4


Class Content

Independent Study

Assisted Study


Religious Studies


Step Up to Sixth Form
Revision Guides
Exam information
Extra Curricular & Trips


What is 'Religious Studies'?

Religious Studies comprises of three components: Philosophy of Religion, Religion & Ethics, and Development of Christian Thought.
Philosophy grapples with the big questions of life: Where did the universe come from, does a higher being exist, where does evil come from.
Ethics looks at morality and how to make good decisions e.g. surrounding euthanasia, business, sexuality.
Developments of Christian Thought explores issues of sin, feminism, liberation theology and discusses figures such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer.


Who is it for?

Religious Studies students will be interested in exploring great questions and baffling concepts, discussing theories and critically analysing academic thought!

In Religious Studies you develop skills in:

  • Research and presentations,

  • Problem solving and synthesising information,

  • Organisation and time management,

  • Writing, referencing, constructing academic arguments,

  • Independent thought and empathy for others.

What will i study?

In Philosophy of Religion learners will study philosophical issues and questions raised by religion and belief. These include arguments regarding the existence or non-existence of God, the nature and influence of religious experience and the problems of evil and suffering. They will also explore philosophical language and thought, through significant
concepts and the works of key thinkers, illustrated in issues or debates in the philosophy of religion.

Religion and Ethics is characterised by the study of ethical language and thought, with exploration of key concepts and the works of influential thinkers. Ethical theory will also
be applied to issues of importance; namely euthanasia, business ethics, and sexual ethics.

Developments in Christian Thought provides an opportunity for the systematic study of Christianity. This will include the exploration of religious beliefs, values, teachings and practices that shape religious identity, as well as sources of wisdom and authority. Also central are the ways in which religious traditions have developed over time, and religious responses to challenges and significant contemporary social issues.

Course Content:

1. Philosophy
  • Ancient Greek influences on philosophy

  • Nature of the soul, mind and body

  • Arguments for and against the existence of God

  • Religious experiences

  • The problem of evil

  • Ideas about the nature of God

  • Issues in religious language

Assessment: 2 hour written Paper. [33.3%]

3. Developments in Christian Thought
  • Augustine on human nature and sin

  • Death and the Afterlife

  • Knowledge of God’s existence

  • The Person of Jesus Christ

  • Christian moral principles and Action (Bonhoeffer)

  • Religious pluralism

  • Religion and gender

  • Liberation Theology and Marx

Assessment: 2 hour written Paper. [33.3%]

2. Ethics
  • Religious normative ethical theories – Natural Law and Situation Ethics

  • Secular normative ethical theories – Kantian Ethics and Utilitarianism

  • Application of theories to euthanasia, business and sexual ethics

  • Meta Ethics

  • Conscience

Assessment: 2 hour written Paper. [33.3%]

Where can it take me?

You could apply for jobs in:
Education, law, business, charity, journalism, advertising, medicine and many more!

For more information on the course please contact Mrs C.Fletcher-Warne

In England and Wales Parents have the statutory right under Section 71 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to withdraw their children from RE lessons. The RE delivered at The Kimberley School is inclusive and broad minded. If you wish to exercise this right please make contact with school to arrange an appointment to discuss with the R.E. Subject Performance Leader / Head Teacher. The school does not support selective withdrawal from RE lessons.

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