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Show My Homework

Show My Homework/Satchel ONE (SMHW) is a powerful tool that is used by teachers and students at The Kimberley School to allow homework to be clearly communicated and monitored.
Students are expected to check SMHW regularly as this is the only tool used for recording homework. Staff are able to upload resources and links to supplement student learning whilst students have the facility to message their teachers if they require support.

During the pandemic, the platform has become useful in supporting students that have been accessing the remote curriculum. If you are absent from school, but are still able to work from home, please make sure you monitor SMHW where your teacher will clarify what work you need to complete in order to make sure you do not fall behind, during the period of absence.   


In order to login, please use the login details you were given by your tutor at the start of the year. If for whatever reason you no longer have these details, please request these details from your tutor, or email the ICT at using your school email address.

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The Kimberley School

We Respect. We are Proud. We Succeed

Newdigate St | Kimberley | Nottinghamshire | NG16 2NJ

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