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Special Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs (SEN) means that a child is facing specific challenges with areas of school life at the moment.

It may be that the child is finding learning difficult and needs to work at a different pace. It may be that the child has an emotional or social issue, a behavioural issue or a physical disability. Sometimes these difficulties only last for a short time and some continue through a child’s school life.



How do we help at Kimberley?

Helping your child to make progress is a partnership between home and school. The government has given schools clear guidelines and support via an initiative called SEN. Please see links to the documents below for an overview on how support is provided as well as a more detail outline of the code of practice itself.


              SEN Support in mainstream schools

              SEN code of practice


Parents should always inform school of any known, physical, emotional or behavioural difficulties before the child enters school, so the appropriate support can be agreed and arranged.


Who should I contact at Kimberley?

Phone Number: 0115 938 7000 (Ext 218)
Email addresses: 

Where can I access further information?

Our SEN Information Report and SEND Policy will give you much more detail on how we work at Kimberley School. You can also find out more about Nottinghamshire’s local offer.

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0115 938 7000

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The Kimberley School

We Respect. We are Proud. We Succeed

Newdigate St | Kimberley | Nottinghamshire | NG16 2NJ

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Image of The East Midlands Educational Trust
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