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Students must have cash - ideally correct fare - the charges are £2.00 per single journey or £3.00 per return.  


You can view a letter regarding these changes here.

In addition to the two school bus services detailed above there is also the Trent Rainbow One bus service to get to school.

The Awsworth service is arranged for by the local authority and you will need to contact them if you have any queries about the provision of this service. The Mornington service is a service that we provide in partnership with Lowes Coaches. If you have any queries about this service please contact us directly.


We also provide an area where students can leave their bikes if they wish to cycle to school. However, students must wear a cycle helmet if they wish to cycle to school.


Bus Service

The Click CEOP Image

0115 938 7000

The Kimberley School Image

The Kimberley School

We Respect. We are Proud. We Succeed

Newdigate St | Kimberley | Nottinghamshire | NG16 2NJ

Image of The Ofsted Good in colour
Image of The East Midlands Educational Trust
EMET logo only.png
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