Useful Information
The School Day

School gates closed
Period 1
Period 2
Morning Break
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
End of the compulsory school day
8:40 am
8:45 am - 9:00 am
9:05 am - 10:05 am
10:10 am - 11:10 am
11:10 am - 11:25 am
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
12:30 pm - 1:10 pm
1:10 pm - 2:10 pm
2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
3:15 pm
School week totals 32 hours 30 mins

The Kimberley School Meals
We are proud of the fact that we offer a variety of healthy school meal options for all our students including paninis, wraps, sandwiches, salads as well as delicious main meals. We promote healthy eating at The Kimberley School and all our meals are well-balanced, nutritious and adhere to Government legislation. Students and staff enjoy the range of options which we have available during breakfast, break and lunchtime and there are a range of meal deals available too which offer good value for money. All nutritional and allergen information can be found in our canteen via our menu displays or at each service point. Whilst a variety of bottled drinks are on sale, we are mindful of the environment and so have water fountains are available throughout the school to enable students to top up their own bottle and stay hydrated throughout the day.
We cater for a range of dietary needs through our menu however, if your child has any medical dietary requirements, please contact our school Catering Manager, Mr. Link, to discuss your specific requirements. Mr. Link can be contacted via email; catering@kimberleyschool.co.uk
Free School Meals
If your child is eligible for free school meals, they can use it for food at morning break time and lunch time, between the hours of 11am and 1.30pm, up to the value of £2.50 (which covers many of our meal deals). Should they wish to spend more than the £2.50 allowance, please ensure that there is sufficient credit on their ParentPay balance to pay for the additional food.
Please be aware that the free school meal allowance is not available for use at breakfast time or the after-school tuck shop.
Our Cashless Biometric System
Students at Kimberley School use a fingerprint ID or card system that is securely linked to the online ParentPay account freeing the need for cash transactions in school while allowing convenient parental monitoring.
Students may of course opt out of the biometric system at any time via an email (to include name and tutor group) to catering@kimberleyschool.co.uk.

You can pay for school meals and more online at ParentPay.com
What Can You Do With ParentPay?
School Dinners – View menus and check dietary and nutritional information. You can book and pay in advance or let your child choose in school.
Trips – Pay for school trips through ParentPay. Schools can send out invitations to the relevant parents; who can respond with parental consent and provide medical information.
Clubs – Receive advanced notification of clubs, so you can secure a place, book and pay early.
Online Shop – Whether it’s student photographs, uniform or equipment, you can purchase items online. Check item information like size and colour prior to purchase.
Communication – Receive important messages from school via email and text.
Payment Options – Debit and credit cards, American Express and PayPoint from over 28,000 shops across the country
Learning Portals

Given the importance of homework in supporting pupil progress, we also strongly recommend that the SMHW platform be accessed by parents/carers to monitor and track homework set by their child’s class teachers. This will allow parents the opportunity to support their child progress and help their work towards achieving their academic and social potential. The web based tool also allows parents to track their child’s attendance and punctuality. Given that good attendance matters, this is a crucial facility in ensuring students at The Kimberley School make progress.
In order to login, please use the login details you were given by the school. If for whatever reason you no longer have these details, please email the ICT at h.desk@kimberleyschool.co.uk stating both your name, as well as your child’s and the team will be happy to reissue you these details. In addition, the link below provides tutorials as to how parents can use the SMHW platform effectively to help support their child’s learning.
Show My Homework/Satchel ONE (SMHW)
SMHW is a powerful tool that is used by teachers and students at The Kimberley School to allow homework to be clearly communicated and monitored.
Students are expected to check SMHW regularly for homework as this is the only tool used for recording homework. Staff are able to upload resources and links to supplement student learning whilst students have the facility to message their teachers if they require support.

Bus Service
Students must have cash - ideally correct fare - the charges are £2.50 per single journey or £3.50 per return.
You can view a letter regarding these changes here. Year 12/13 students may be eligible for a bursary to support with transport costs. For information please visit our Bursary page.
In addition to the two school bus services detailed above there is also the Trent Rainbow One bus service to get to school.
The Awsworth service is arranged for by the local authority and you will need to contact them if you have any queries about the provision of this service. The Mornington service is a service that we provide in partnership with Skills Motor Coaches. If you have any queries about this service please contact us directly.
We also provide an area where students can leave their bikes if they wish to cycle to school. However, students must wear a cycle helmet if they wish to cycle to school.

Weather & Closures
When there is snow on the ground we will always aim to keep the school open to all students. Parents and Carers should be aware that:
If there is heavy snow on the ground in the morning then we will aim to complete a full assessment of the school site by no later then 7:30am
If the school is open:
we will send a text message and email to parents to confirm this before 7:30am. We will also update the school website.
we will share any service updates from the school buses as soon as we receive them.
we will communicate with parents if we are relaxing the school footwear rules
If the school is closed, we will send a text message and email to parents to confirm this before 7:30am. We will also update the school website
Parents and carers should not phone school when there is snow on the ground to enquire if school is open. Instead, please monitor email, text messages and the home page of the school website.
Remote Curriculum
In the unlikely event that the school is closed then there will be no remote curriculum in place for students on the first day. If the school closure does last for more than one day then this be introduced for older students initially. We will email parents and students with details of how this will work.