Year 6 Transition 2024
Welcome New Year 7s!
Year 6 students are invited to join us on Thursday 11th and Friday 12th July 2024 for their induction days. This will provide students an opportunity to familiarise themselves with Kimberley School and start to meet some of the staff they will work with next year.
On Thursday 11th July, following a welcome assembly by Mr Newman, students will spend the majority of the day in their tutor groups, getting to know each other, the school and our expectations in line with The Kimberley Way. On Friday 12th July 2024 students will experience some sample lessons and then end their day with their tutor and an assembly before we see them again in September.
We do understand that this is an important day for Year 6, and you should be reassured that there will be plenty of staff and senior students available throughout the day to support and offer guidance or directions!
In addition to the Students Transition Days there is also an Induction Evening for Parents/Carers. This will take place in school on the evening of the Thursday 11th of July 2024, starting at 6pm. During the evening parents will have a presentation from the pastoral team and an opportunity to meet with their child’s tutor.
We will send out more details of this nearer the time but please note that this event is for parents and carers only, not students due to the space restraints.
In the meantime, if you have any urgent queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us by emailing transition@kimberleyschool.co.uk
September 2024 Intake
Year 6 transition days are Thursday 11th and Friday 12th July 2024.
Parents are invited in for an Induction Information evening on Thursday 11th July 2024 from 6pm.
Uniform pop shop will be on Friday 12th & Monday 15th July for year 6.
There is also an additional session for existing students on Tuesday 16th July for any unable to make the earlier dates.
Appointments available from 15:20 - 18:40.
Or scan the QR code:
My child has been placed in a different tutor group to their close friends, can they change groups?"The tutor group is the group in which the students register and are taught some of their lessons. In many lessons, the students are mixed with others from across the year group – for instance in core subjects where students are grouped by ability, and in practical lessons where group sizes are smaller for health and safety reasons. Our priority is to place students into tutor groups where they will work best. It is important to note that this may not necessarily be with all of their friends. Indeed, experience shows us children integrate more efficiently into school if they are mixed up a little and make new friends. We have placed students into groups based upon information received from their current Primary School. This includes the support they might benefit from, as well as individuals they may not work well with. We cannot guarantee that students will be with their friends however we will endeavour to place them with others from their Primary School. As we are over-subscribed, the tutor groups are full. As a result, we are unable to make any changes to these groups. Please do be reassured that we will work with all students in September to ensure that they quickly settle into their new tutor group and classes.
Where should my son/daughter go on their first day in September?The first day for year 7 is typically the first Wednesday in September (as the school opens to students after two INSET days). Please check the calendar or key dates list for the date. We operate a staggered start back after summer to allow year 7s to be the first students in so they have to time to get to know school, their timetable and their tutors. We will begin the day with an assembly at 8.45 (so students need to be on site for 8.40am) so they will need to make their way to the main hall, which is where they will also be on the transition days in July, and staff will be on hand to help direct them.
Will students get to meet their tutor on the Induction day?Students will meet their tutors on the inductions days and have time in their new tutor groups getting to know each other, the school systems and their way around!
What do I do if I think my child is Dyslexic?Our Learning Support team can run tests to see if we need to put in place any additional support for your child. Please be aware, however, that Year 7 need some ‘settling in’ time for the first few months before we usually do this.
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