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Year 6 Transition 2024

 Welcome New Year 7s! 

Year 6 students are invited to join us on Thursday 11th and Friday 12th July 2024 for their induction days. This will provide students an opportunity to familiarise themselves with Kimberley School and start to meet some of the staff they will work with next year.


On Thursday 11th July, following a welcome assembly by Mr Newman, students will spend the majority of the day in their tutor groups, getting to know each other, the school and our expectations in line with The Kimberley Way. On Friday 12th July 2024 students will experience some sample lessons and then end their day with their tutor and an assembly before we see them again in September.

We do understand that this is an important day for Year 6, and you should be reassured that there will be plenty of staff and senior students available throughout the day to support and offer guidance or directions!


In addition to the Students Transition Days there is also an Induction Evening for Parents/Carers.  This will take place in school on the evening of the Thursday 11th of July 2024,  starting at 6pm. During the evening parents will have a presentation from the pastoral team and an opportunity to meet with their child’s tutor.

We will send out more details of this nearer the time but please note that this event is for parents and carers only, not students due to the space restraints.

In the meantime, if you have any urgent queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us by emailing

September 2024 Intake


  • Year 6 transition days are Thursday 11th and Friday 12th July 2024.

  • Parents are invited in for an Induction Information evening on Thursday 11th July 2024 from 6pm.

  • Uniform pop shop will be on Friday 12th & Monday 15th July for year 6.

  • There is also an additional session for existing students on Tuesday 16th July for any unable to make the earlier dates.

    Appointments available from 15:20 - 18:40.


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The Kimberley School

We Respect. We are Proud. We Succeed

Newdigate St | Kimberley | Nottinghamshire | NG16 2NJ

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